The Level Of Influence Parents Have On The Career Choice Of Filipino Artists

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The Level Of Influence Parents Have On The Career Choice Of Filipino Artists


This chapter introduces the Background of the study, Statement of the problem, Theoretical Framework, Conceptual framework, Significance of the study, Scope and Limitations and Definition of terms. This Chapter will Contain

Background of the study

Not all artists pursue professions in the art industry because of their passion, and not all people in other industries choose their profession according to their passion.

Choosing a career has been a serious discussion when it comes to Parents influencing a child. According to Taylor et al (2004) some children choose careers that would please their parents. A tendency to this occurs when parents want their children to take similar careers as them or they want their children to achieve more than what they could have, resulting to children choosing a career not for their betterment but for their parents satisfaction. There have been numerous times that an adolescent has trouble on choosing a career that they like and that would please their parents as well, there are also instances that adolescents tend to rebel on their parents due to parents choosing their career for them.

Statement of the Problem

This Study aims to discover the level of influence the parents of artists have on their decisions on pursuing the career as an artist. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the level of parents influence to the chosen career of the artists?
  2. How positive does the parents artist impact the career choices of the artist?
  3. How negative does the parents artist impact the career choices of the artist?

Theoretical Framework

According to Anne Roes personality development theory, a parent may give an impact in terms of Career choices, It is said that the career of an individual can be an outcome of how they were raised as a child. This can be used as a guide on whether the impact of a parent is negative or positive. It is also said that there are three parent-child interactions that may be the sole reason on how they choose as an individual. The first one is that a parent being overprotective and/or over demanding can cause children to rebel and get pressured. The second one is emotional rejection of a child resulting negative impact from a parent and the last one casual or loving behavior of a child resulting from positive impact of a parent.

The Expectancy of parents in terms of their childs achievements give a massive role to what career they want to pursue. In accordance to Eccles expectancy-value theory, there would be a domain a parent may place value on basing on the achievements their children make. These domains can be Academically inclined, Physically inclined or Artistically inclined. The word Expectation is not only focused on the future it also focuses on the present and the past. Present actions would have inclusion to what a parent might perceive in a Childs possible career path in which parents interpret in what they currently see their children achieving, resulting to the focus of parents being in one particular achievement their children have made. Past would be the beliefs, culture and tradition the parents have grown with.

Conceptual Framework

This studys independent variable would be the parents impact on the career choice of current and becoming artists. The influence of parents affecting the career choice of artist- either the artist pursue art as a profession because it is his/her passion or an artist pursue art as a profession because of their parents.

Significance of the Study

The findings in this study may provide information to the communitys appreciation not only on the art itself but it will give understanding to what an artist think. This study will also tackle the influence of their parents in their career choice. Specifically, the following shall be beneficial:

  • ARTISTS. The findings in this study will not only be beneficial for the current artists of the Philippines, but also for the future artists that might struggle from the influence of their parents.
  • PARENTS. This paper may also benefit the parents of artists further understanding on how they influence the way their children think as an artist and on how they can improve their way of influencing their children.
  • FUTURE RESEARCHERS. This research may serve as a reference for future researchers who plan on improving the study, specifically researchers from the Bachelor of Arts program.

Scope and Limitations

This study will focus on different artists with different professions in the Philippines, This study will be limited to the views of an artist to how their parents affect their career choices, The researcher will be conducting an Interview to further broaden the claim that parents place a big role on the career choice an artist. The interview that will be conducted will only be limited to artist and career counselor(s) of the Philippines.

Definition of Terms

Artist A person who produces paintings, sculptures and any mediums in art, as a hobby or as a profession.

Career An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a persons life and with opportunities for progress according to The Oxford English dictionary.

Parental Influence and Expectations

There are instances where parenting style influences their children. According to the findings of Sarwar, s. (2016) authoritarian parenting or permissive and neglecting parenting usually leads children to be delinquent. The parent-child relationship battles through a lot of misunderstanding especially because they are from far generations, this relationship can influence the decision making of children as they may either neglect their parents involvement or be forced to follow them .

Activity wise, in the free time of children especially on the adolescence stage. (Kumar and Arockiasamy, 2012) Parents are more cautious on what their children do on their free time. (Burak, 2014) In this parents tend to focus on what their childrens capacity on a specific activity and/or if they can excel in it as they grow up. If a parent may seem to dislike or disapproves something that their children are fond of it will either have a negative or positive effect, this is where the child improves more due to anger or sadness, turning into a stage of acceptance in the part of the child as time comes and they get older. As for Motivating a child into doing what they are passionate about, parents may be an instrument on the motivation of a child. The attitude of the child can develop in this making such big influences on their future decisions.(Barrioh, 2018)

According to the statistics shown by Araque, J. C., Wietstock, C., Cova, H. M., & Zepeda, S. (2017). There are positive results on the Latinno Parents knowledge and engagement to school activities and to the educational system. Parents make sure that they take up major subjects and that their children do their best in school, this makes an extortionate influence on how their children would perform on the school, the grades that they have and the extra-curricular activities that they uptake. There is a part in the study of Wiseman, 2011 that indicates several students found that their families participation was a source of strength and support, some students did not have a relationship with their families that encouraged them to share the personal topics that they wrote about during the poetry workshop. Those who received participation from their Families felt positive on their writings. Writing poems was a bridge to the students to their parents to be more involved in their likings.

Career Choice

It is true that not all artist have took up the field of arts as their career choice but that doesnt remove their involvement in the Art industry. There will be a lot of factors that may change a childs perception on being a full time artist. And a big part of it is how involved their parents are and the knowledge of parents in the career that their children would like to have. in the study of Zellweger, Seiger and Halter (2011) families with business backgrounds will have a tendency to have their children be the successors of the said business. Whether the Child may be artistically inclined, this might just be ignored by the parents since the mindset is that they need to pursue the family business.

In terms of inheritance of career there are still children who chose to partake their own careers rather than pursuing a career that is related to their parents. In the statistics that Goodale and Hall (1976) majority of sons in the family pursue the same career as their parents. A child may also choose a career basing on what they have achieved (Duncan, Featherman and Duncan,1972; Gordon, 1972; kerckhoff, 1974; Turner 1962) this is can be a way of someone to identify their possible careers, a childhood attainment that they excel in till present. According To the case study of Kemboi, Kindiki, and Misigo (2016) There are six personality types, Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional. They have used this to identify the distribution of the possible career choices in each degree in the Moi University in Kenya. Identifying the personality types would be helpful on choosing a career to pursue.

Being an Artist

In all forms of being an artist, some people still cannot accept that it is a profession chosen by people, ridiculing the career and the abilities of artists.In the concept of (Jary, 2002) the reality is that majority of the artists need to find other ways of income. There is a struggle in any career, but there is this stereotype that has stuck in the minds of filipinos that being an artist will not take you anywhere nor give you any income, another is that it is considered as a hobby and not as a career that someone can partake. And this stereotype needs to stop. The audience do not see the bigger picture in being an artist, art is inclined in mostly all of the things that they see and use in this world.

Being an artist is not limited for people who have taken courses in the art industry. There are lots of artist that do/have not partaken a course in the art industry in which we call self-learned artists. In the case study of Winkler and Denmead (2016) they have interviewed teaching artists. The artists were all considered artists even if there courses were not related to them, this only proves that even if you are partaking other professions, you can still be an artist.


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