The Growing Popularity of Home Schooling



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The Growing Popularity of Home Schooling


There is considerable dissatisfaction with the American public-school scheme, and such censure is not new. Since the 1950s, in reaction to the rising criticism of the public-school system, the educational organization started to begin improvements. Those included a variety of school reforming agendas, teacher responsibility programs, and new supervision practices.

The improvements, though, not succeeded to restructure the alarms of some parents who sense that the organization was fading to teach their children with their theoretical and ethical upbringings. By the mid-1980s, an increased number of parents start to take their children out of public schools and register them in substitute schools. Among the alternatives were magnet and charter schools. More contentious alternatives also appeared, such as voucher-based education and homeschooling (Van Galen & Pitman, 1991).


Homeschooling has challenged the lines of conventional public education and has drawn tough disapproval from those alarmed about the self-governing, public control of education. Lubienski (2000) a strong detractor of this association, concludes, as a tremendous form of privatizing the principle of education, homeschooling rejects democratic responsibility and deprives the community of its lawful concern in education. This rejection of the public concern not only influences the education of homeschoolers, but it also wears away the ability of the community to state its attention in education. Surely, public schools fail often in a lot of areas. But they fail openly, as public organizations, and, in that, there at least have the possibility to deal with the issue (p. 229).

Belfield and Levin (2005) monitor that homeschooling is the ultimate in privatization: the education of children who homeschool is characteristically privately funded, privately provided, and privately regulated (p. 93). These authors raise a negative theoretical concern: that since fundamentally, home-schooling gives dominance to private interests in education over a comprehensive public interest (p. 93), the political discussion over whether privatization (such as homeschooling) is perceived as an assault on general public schooling. McMullen (2002) also recognizes the disadvantage of homeschooling, including her worries about the need for socialization for children, concerns about a poor set of courses content, and the serious lack of protection for children trained at home.

Homeschooling developed as a reaction to laws and policies in the 50 states making it unlawful to keep children home for their education under required education laws (Erickson, 2005). Parents removed their children from the public school structure, most often referring to the difference between religious beliefs and the public school curriculum. In addition, a number of parents homeschool on the principle that their children are better served when they are the main educators. Also, she affirms that parents homeschool their children out of fear for students protection, compulsory integration plans, and possible contact with drugs and alcohol. Princiotta and Bielick (2006, p. 13) establish that parental concerns for and protests to the school environment were the motives stated by parents for homeschooling and supported by others. This parental reason was followed by spiritual or ethical teaching concerns for their children (reported by 29.8% of parents surveyed), then by a sense of disappointment with education at other schools, for those children who required special education needs, and for children with a physical or mental-emotional problem (Princiotta and Bielick, 2006).

Demographic Variables

The population mass variables demonstrate that states that are more country are more probably to pass homeschooling rules. Because rural communities typically experience spatial isolation, moving rural students to a local public school may not be a feasible answer. In addition, the culture of social isolation where a small group of people relies on their own resources for an income can also add to the development of homeschooling. Other reasons contain the truth that rates of church attendance are higher in rural areas. It has been recognized that homeschooling is more probably to be experienced by traditional Christian families. Also, rural schools are constantly underfunded; rural and small-town schools educate nearly 40% of Americas students while receiving less than 22% of the total federal, state, and local spending on public education (Luloff & Swanson, 1990).

The fact that the greater part of homeschooling families are White maybe because of the increased cultural integration of public schools. As a result, the low proportion of racially underrepresented groups who prefer to homeschool may be connected to the subject of segregation within the homeschooling group. According to Ray (1999), there are diverse reasonable explanations for why such groups joined the homeschooling movement in recent times. The first is the insight that homeschooling is typically a White conservative group that has low tolerance toward other racial groups. The second is that ethnically underrepresented groups consider that public schools are the finest opportunity for their children to get ahead. The third explanation engages the likelihood that majority-group home educators may be discriminating against other racial groups. Ray comments, however, that no proof supports this line of analysis. Lastly, there might be pressure from peers and community leaders in certain racial groups to keep their children in public schools (Ray, 1999, pp. 76-77).

Education Variables

This perhaps suggests that the funds committed to public education are not a significant consideration for parents who choose to homeschool. A survey by the NCES asked homeschooling parents why they favored educating their children at home. The top three responses were the following:

Can give child better education at home, Religious reasons, and Poor learning environment (NCES, 2001a). Therefore, increased state spending on education (throwing money at schools) actually has not persuaded certain parents that public education is improving (Garrett & Summers, 2001).

Parents do not consider that an improved graduation rate means improved education environments. The narrative regarding graduating seniors who cannot read or write and the practice of grade inflation might have discouraged parents from believing graduation rates as an encouraging feature in their views of public schools. Another possibility is that it is not an educational achievement but a principal accomplishment that matters to parents more. Homeschooling parents may basically dislike the set of courses that is endorsed in high schools nowadays. No biblical teachings are permitted, up till now evolution is taught as truth in science courses. In addition, some parents might be offended by the multicultural education that is promoted at public schools at the expense of Eurocentric education (Klicka, 2002).


Homeschooling persists to gain drive. Dr. Brian Ray, the president of the National Home Education Research Institute, expects constant development of homeschooling all through the states. According to his statistics, homeschooling has extended by about 500% between 1990 and the year 2000. He expects a constant strong growth rate of between 7% and 15% yearly for the foreseeable future (Ray, 2003). An incomplete justification for this movement is the reality that more families from a diversity of backgrounds are opting to homeschool their children. According to Ted Feinberg of the National Association of School Psychologists, the sense of anxiety-fueled by violence warnings, high profile school shootings and the desire to keep children safealmost certainly helped homeschooling grow (Feller, 2004).

Education is a main public organization that plays a major role in our ever more urban society. In addition to urbanization, globalization processes have resulted in time-space density supporting world interconnectedness (Harvey, 1989). As people who are connected in practices once considered trivial or substitute will become more networked, their influence will grow. More and more Americans are opting to provide education to their children themselves. Disappointment with public education is likely to persist and perhaps increase given the move toward consistency and responsibility in state proposals such as Californias Public Schools Accountability Act (Ogawa & Collom, 2000) and the national No Child Left Behind Act. So, homeschooling is probably to grow more accepted and become more conventional.

The irony of public educations move to regularity and responsibility is that it appears to run counter to the needs of the global, flexible economy. Public schools support students to contend individually whereas skilled work under the new economy is based on a team structure (Appelbaum, Bailey, Berg, & Kalleberg, 2000). Furthermore, the flexible place of work demands flexible knowledge that is attained through learning to learn (Rubin, 1996), not by learning how to take standardized examinations. Globalization presents many motivating challenges to public education. Additional research on substitutes such as homeschooling is needed to evaluate their effectiveness in this fast-changing world.


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Belfield, C. R., & Levin, H. M. Privatizing educational choice: Consequences for Boulder, CO: Westview. 2005

Collom, E. (2005). The ins and outs of homeschooling: The determinants of parental motivations and student achievement. Education and Urban Society, 37(3), 307-335.

Erickson, D. A. Homeschooling and the common school nightmare. In B. S. Cooper (Ed.), Homeschooling in full view: A reader (pp. 21-44). Greenwich, CT: Information Age. 2005

Feller, B. Home schooling is on the rise. Boston Globe.

Garrett, J., & Summers, B. Dont throw money at schools. Maryland Public Policy Institute.

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Ray, B. D. (1999). Strength of their own: Home schoolers across America. Salem, OR: National Home Education Research Institute.

Ray, B. D. Worldwide guide to homeschooling: Facts and stats on the benefits of home school. Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman. 2003

Rubin, B. A. Shifts in the social contract: Understanding change in American society. Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press. 1996

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