Organizational Behavior at Google: Informative Essay

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Organizational Behavior at Google: Informative Essay


Alphabet Inc. is a multinational organization which is based in California, USA.

Alphabet Inc. This organization became the parent company of Google and its subsidiaries back in 2015.

A lot of people know about Google but hardly any of us knows about Alphabet Inc. and if anyone does that is very little. Googles management decided to go for this decision because they wanted their businesses under one umbrella and made this conglomerate. This organization owns a number of subsidiaries ranging from search engines to robotics, healthcare, anti-aging, and other technological stuff.

Theoretical Framework:

Alphabet Inc. applies organizational behavior theories in order to hire, train and manage its talent. The theories that we have gone through in our classes are listed below.

    • Frederick Herbergs Two Factors Theory of Motivation
    • Group and Teamwork
    • Management of conflicts
    • Leadership styles

Best practices followed by Alphabet Inc.

Alphabet Inc. is one of the best companies which applies these organizational theories and practices them in the best possible way in order to keep their employees motivated and get an efficient and effective framework.

As Behaviors related to the organization have become so important and interesting that we need to study them as how individuals behave individually and how they behave in groups as well.

The first and most important thing is how do behave and why they do this behavior. The organizational theories and research suggest that these can be studied as individuals, in groups, and in organizational structures.

Individual Behaviors:

This stage says that an individual behaves according to the learning and analysis o the motivation, cooperation, tasks, and all other related things of the organization. As I have chosen Alphabet Inc. so the company hires the best individuals who have got best expertise in their fields and have the creative and technical skills that are required for sophisticated designs and technologies. The organization provides the best atmosphere and managers to the employees where they can discuss their ideas and consider them as part of the bigger thing. The organization has set best practices and atmosphere so that individuals can align themselves with the organization’s goals and objectives which are to bring innovation in the constantly changing environment. Individuals are encouraged to give their best ideas to any problem, or they can come up with completely new ideas and can discuss them with the higher management freely.

Individuals have got different levels of motivation and have different expectations for them. Herzberg gave the idea of two factors and explained that individuals are mainly motivated by these two factors. In my case, Alphabet Inc. allows sometimes employees to invest in their own way to get things done by themselves. This is an example of indirect motivation to the employees to work according to their way and all the company wants is the job done not the way it has been done.


At this level, people tend to behave according to the group norms and group types. People usually mold their behaviors and act according to the situation and group norms. In Alphabet Inc., people are encouraged to behave for the benefit of that individual as well as for the group. When talking about a group then it is natural that there must be some members and their roles assigned in that group. In Alphabet Inc. employees tend to behave according to the organizations culture and norms the leadership encourages creative and innovative ideas and the group motivates the individual in the group to come up with the best of their versions.

According to Cranny Smit Stone, if any organization wants success it must retain its human talent and try to make them more efficient and effective over time. It is understood that when employees work in a team for a single objective then their productivity increases and achieve a higher level of goals unlike individuals because every individual must be good at the field of specialty and in team different experts combine for the common objective. The team supports employees to give their best and achieve the best out of themselves one of the employees at Alphabet Inc. said that there comes a time when you need feel motivated and here you need your team the most because they know how you feel and they can easily judge you that your potentials and not being fully exploited. When employees work at Alphabet Inc. they create a synergy where every single person matters, and every single work done by that individual connects the dots for the success of the organizational level at the end of the day. That is why employees are highly encouraged here. As Alphabet Inc. has large employees across the globe and diverse cultures so where diversity is encouraged, and the company says that diversity is our strength because by having diverse people in their organization they come up with different ideas by looking at cultural aspects in mind. Like we are Muslims, so we focus on the things which are related to our culture and religion and are very sensitive in some areas no matter what. So, does Alphabet Inc. looks at their employees who are hired from across the globe?

Management of Conflicts:

Every organization has some conflicts and deals with people who have different mentalities and behaviors. So, how does Alphabet Inc. deal with this problem?

The answer is very simple because an organization is not rigid and gives value and opportunity to share their problems and proposed solution or them. It encouraged people to come up with their own solutions provided they solve the problems in the best possible manner. Leadership even motivates them to solve their differences b themselves and not harm and do any bad thing towards anyone or the organization. The company applies different techniques to avoid the conflicts that are either built or have been created over time by taking wrong strategies. It focuses to treat every single person as part of the larger family and avoids any form of discrimination and potential conflicts. It applies conflict management tools like avoiding the conflict in the first place and if it happens and giving the best solutions to solve the conflicts and will set some rules and regulations so that the conflict should never arise in the future.

Evaluate and Understand the Emotional Responses of People

At whatever point somebody has a forceful passionate reaction to something, they ordinarily fall back to their default setting, which is to look for a battle or flight reaction. They don’t have the option to reason seemingly out of the blue thus their activities may not be judicious, and they may articulate words they don’t mean at all and are probably going to lament later.

The exact opposite thing you need to do in such a circumstance is to attempt to contend with such an individual. You should hang tight for the resentment or other forceful feeling to initially scatter before you can attempt to speak with them. Sincerely set-off individuals aren’t anything but difficult to prevail upon.

Self-Awareness Is Key

What sort of individual would you say you are at the point at which a contention emerges? Do you will in general keep away from strife or would you say you are the forceful kind that attacks the issue in earnest? It’s essential to have an excellent comprehension of how you manage strife. Not every person will react particularly well to your compromise style. Some of the time you can utilize your strategy on the opportune individuals and on different occasions you need to make a stride back and either adjust your style to the individual and the circumstance or bring in an alternate individual who is better furnished to manage the circumstance. In any case, understanding yourself is the initial step to getting others.

Listen to Everyone Involved and Hear Their Views

Nobody likes to not be right thus nobody needs to hear another person disclosing to them that they are incorrect. Obviously, you can contend from one viewpoint that individuals should be sufficiently charitable to acknowledge that they won’t generally be correct. Notwithstanding, then again, you additionally can’t anticipate that everybody should be as edified about the complexities of compromise as you.

Solve the Issue From its Roots

Something that clashes is the point at which one gathering unequivocally tells the other party that they are incorrect, and the charged party gets guarded. If you feel like this is the circumstance in your association, at that point, you need to stop it from the beginning. Will hear everybody’s side of the story without judging, and afterward resolve the issue dispassionately, with a decent comprehension of where everybody is coming from.

Accept People for Everything They Are (and Are Not)

At times the contention you see on a superficial level isn’t generally what’s up. In some cases, there is a more profound issue stewing underneath the surface, either on the ground or at the administration level. Attempt to discover what is truly going on in a circumstance and find a way to take care of that issue.

Dont Forget About Regular Feedback

Individuals are extraordinary; thus, they will hold, decipher, and measure data in totally different ways. Also, they will regularly utilize altogether different dynamic cycles to show up in their choices. Knowing how your colleagues work is essential to realize how to allot obligations to them so that their qualities are helpful. You will likewise be more edified and more averse to limiting their propensities or work styles.

Collaborate with the Team to Create Conflict Resolution Protocols

Strife regularly happens when an issue isn’t tended to while it is still little. It putrefies like an injury and becomes too enormous and confounded to be addressed rapidly. To evade this from occurring, you can hold standard gatherings where the entire group gives criticism about the thing that is working and what isn’t and conceptualizes what to do going ahead. That way, you manage issues while they are as yet minor.

Collaborate with the Team to Create Guidelines for Communication

Individuals will in general help standards when they played a part in making the principles. You can request that your group get together and thought of some compromise conventions that they are getting tied up with. Whatever they think of, it is probably going to work in the long haul since everybody took part in making it.

Not a wide range of correspondence is useful or profitable in an association. It very well may be that a significant part of the contention in your association is brought about by individuals imparting in the incorrect manner. You can, along these lines, welcome your group to think of certain rules for the sorts of correspondence that are permitted in the working environment. They should be rules that everybody gets tied up with, much the same as the compromise conventions.

You should likewise be essential for this activity since you may be speaking with your group in the incorrect manner. Possibly they discover your tone tyrannical and pompous or they find that it deters them from transparently conveying themselves. This might be a reason for a large part of the contention in your association and should, along these lines, be managed.

Leadership Styles:

Every organization has its managers and leaders and it all depends upon them how the employees and organization are going to perform. Some leaders are autocratic means they dont listen to anyone and all they want is to get the work done as they want without considering their employees on the other hand there are democratic leaders in the organizations who focus on job and wellbeing of their employees as well.

Here at Alphabet Inc. leaders are very democratic, they listen to their employees, value them, and make them feel that they are part of something big.

As Sunder Pichai once said that I dont consider my people subordinates here at Google rather I make them feel like someone who is owning the brand and is going to be the next CEO of the company. This is how they create loyal employees in Alphabet Inc.


Looking at all these practices of the organizational behavior in Alphabet Inc. I would say that this is the one of main reasons why it is getting success day by day. They highly value their employees and own them in every possible way to make them come out with their full potential.

Here at Alphabet Inc., they hire different people to make sure the well-being of the employees and give them full autonomy to do their work the way they want. Because management is fully aware that they have hired the best talent in the world and if they dont give them these things then they are going to lose them in the long run and who knows someone in the company may become rival in the future. So, the only thing they are making sure is to retain them and fully exploit their expertise and make the company profitable in the long run.

References :

    2. http://alphabet inc.

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