Modern Motherhood and Toddlers

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Modern Motherhood and Toddlers


Human history reveals that mothers play a significant role in every society. This fact explains why existing social frameworks allow them to take good care of their babies, breastfeed them, and ensure that they grow to become productive members of society. However, numerous transformations have been recorded in the past that dictate the nature and future of motherhood. This research paper gives a detailed background of motherhood and how it has changed over the years due to emerging career trends. It goes further to identify the unique challenges and issues many children of working women have to experience. The presented solutions are evidence-based and capable of empowering more women to support the wellbeing and health outcomes of their children.

Background Information

Before the 1960s, the traditional family setting was characterized by fathers who provided for their family members and wives who completed a wide range of domestic chores. This kind of arrangement continued for many decades whereby the majority of females had to spend more time with their babies. Such roles made it possible for women to guide and monitor their childrens behaviors.

Over the years, these practices have changed significantly since both men and women are now involved in the growth and upbringing of their babies. Vikram et al. reveal that it is common for modern fathers to engage in a number of practices and roles that can support the needs of their children (209). Similarly, women have been keen to pursue specific economic activities and provide for their young ones. Single-headed families continue to increase in different parts of the world more than ever before (Prikhidko and Swank 280). This change is associated with emerging family structures and leadership systems.

In the recent past, the issue of motherhood has become critical or meaningful since many women would be happy to spend more time with their babies. Females who are unable to conceive and have babies tend to be unhappy (Prikhidko and Swank 279). This means that those with children will experience increased levels of joy. The opposite remains true since those who do not have babies will remain demoralized and unhappy.

From the early 21st century, the number of women who do not want to have children has increased significantly. Those who have babies also continue to pursue their unique goals and career aims. This means that they will breastfeed their children for a short time and resume their fulltime jobs. This has become a common trend for individuals who work part-time in different fields or companies.

Prikhidko and Swank indicates that women have been keen to consult their husbands and employ house-helps or maids to take good care of their children whenever they are not around (281). This practice has become common since careers and economic activities appear to matter to these individuals.

The involvement of both fathers and mothers in the upbringing of young children is a trend that is currently recorded in every part of the world. This kind of arrangement is capable of increasing the level of satisfaction recorded in different homes. Members of society tend to reward men and women who collaborate to meet their childrens needs (Sani and Scherer 79). This kind of recognition is essential since it supports the wellbeing of toddlers and the welfare of the entire society. With the developments experienced in different parts of the world, parents are currently more empowered to make appropriate childcare arrangements for children and continue to meet their demands.

The problem of inequality influences the nature and process of motherhood. For example, Ettinger et al. reveal that emerging laws and policies are empowering more people than ever before (2842). Such aspects continue to encourage those in marriages to collaborate and pursue their common goals. In the work setting, women and men are entitled to work leaves or breaks that present additional time for providing high-quality care to their children. This approach has guided both mothers and fathers to be involved and ensure that all babies record positive health and development outcomes (Hsin and Felfe 1873). Childcare responsibilities are also being shared by both parents. This means that new trends in motherhood and child upbringing will continue to emerge.

The increasing or emerging opportunities are currently making it possible for women to combine parenthood and career. Those who are entitled to maternity leaves can give birth and be empowered to take good care of their children. They will identify the right support systems for their children until they come of age. They will solve emerging problems and present the best resources that will ensure that positive results are recorded. The number of childcare centers or homes has also increased significantly in different parts of the world (Sani and Scherer 82). Such facilities are capable of providing personalized services to babies depending on the instructions their parents provide. These emerging opportunities will continue to empower and meet the needs of more women who plan to pursue their economic objectives.

Despite these developments, women who have more children might not be able to engage in economic activities. This is true since such individuals will be in need of timely services and care. A typical mother with an infant and another child of less than five years might not be able to get adequate time to engage in his or her career activities. These children require time-intensive care and support. This means that those who want to pursue their career goals should consider the number of children they have and then make informed decisions (McGinn et al. 397). Nonetheless, experts predict that the percentage of employed women will continue to rise in the future. The most important issue is for such individuals to make the most appropriate choices and ensure that their babies receive high-quality and timely support.

Modern Motherhood and Toddlers: Statistics

The number of women working in different offices and institutions has increased significantly within the past six decades. This kind of development has revolutionized the manner in which mothers relate with their babies. Around 19 percent of women with small children were required to work and leave their children with housemaids (McGinn et al. 396). This means that many young ladies had adequate time with their babies and even played with them. They monitored their growth patterns, addressed their problems, and empowered them to record positive growth and development milestones (Sani and Scherer 83).

However, McGinn et al. observed that the percentage of mothers with small babies and toddlers working in different organizations had increased significantly by 2008 to stand at 80 percent (397). Specifically, they were observed to have children aged between 8 and 17 years of age (Sani and Scherer 86). The rate or number of women who have specific careers has continued to increase significantly within the past few years. This is the case since more women today are willing to engage in a wide range of economic activities, pursue their career objectives, and take good care of their children. With the rate or level of divorce being on the rise and more people delaying their marriages before attaining the age of 28, chances are high that the percentage of mothers who are willing to pursue their dreams will increase steadily.

Different institutions and agencies have been focusing on this motherhood trend in an attempt to offer evidence-based ideas for supporting different stakeholders. For instance, a study conducted by the Pew Research Center revealed that around 16 percent of American citizens were in favor of mothers who had fulltime jobs (Sani and Scherer 88). This means that the greatest percentage of people were against a scenario whereby women with children were required to pursue economic goals. Instead, they supported or favored a situation whereby those with children stayed at home and provided the most appropriate care. The report also indicated that around 42 percent of the American population believed that part-time work plans were appropriate for those who had small children (Sani and Scherer 88).

Despite the nature of their careers and jobs, many women who had fulltime jobs were observed to spend at least 12 hours every day with their children. This rate had increased since many mothers only allocated less than 9 hours for their babies in the 1960s (McGinn et al. 397). This has also been the same case for fathers who interact with their children, provide timely support, and empower them. This kind of development is attributable to the present improvements in the areas of job flexibility and transportation. Due to the nature of these changes recorded in the fields of communication and technology, more people can monitor their children even when they are away. This means that emerging changes will continue to inform the future of motherhood.

Emerging Issues

The changes recorded in different parts of the world are redefining motherhood. This is the case since more women are required to work fulltime in an attempt to cater for their childrens changing needs. Some studies focusing on the implications of this new trend have presented diverse results. However, most of the researchers have presented converging details or information. Firstly, the level of maternal work has been observed to have minimum impacts on the experiences of the child (McGinn et al. 398). However, the affected mothers who have to engage in career activities tend to get reduced time for interacting with their children. This occurrence is capable of disorienting or affecting the childs psychological and mental development.

Secondly, most of the parents who have to complete various economic activities will be unable to interact with such children. This means that they have to arrange for housemaids or take their babies or enroll them in childcare centers. The end result is that most of these children will be forced to engage in unpleasing or inappropriate activities that might not resonate with the growth and developmental goals.

Such children will continue to engage in various exercises that might not be personalized or capable of supporting their psychological and physical demands. When compared with non-working mothers, many researchers revealed that there were significant developments that favored the latter (McGinn et al. 397). This kind of scenario or development has continued to empower and guide more people to focus on the most appropriate procedures for meeting their childrens demands.

Thirdly, toddlers whose mothers have jobs will be unable to get adequate interaction time with them. This means the parent-child relationships will not be fully developed, thereby making it impossible for the baby to have desirable confident or trust levels (Hsin and Felfe 1873). Such young ones will also be unable to relate positively with other people, including neighbors and relatives (Ettinger et al. 2841).

Fourthly, the issue of discipline stands out as a potential outcome that might arise when parents do not have adequate time for interacting with their growing babies. Prikhidko and Swank indicate that mothers are capable of identifying inappropriate behaviors that their children display and discourage or punish them accordingly (281). Those who have to leave home early and focus on their career goals might miss a critical opportunity to guide and empower their children.

Fifthly, some researchers have presented positive attributes or issues associated with working mothers. For instance, McGinn et al. observed that daughters who grew up in homes or families with working parents were influenced positively (375). Such individuals were likely to consider the importance of focusing on their educational goals and eventually getting their own jobs. The probability was also high that such individuals would be willing to spend more time on their careers and eventually achieve their aims. These indicators should, therefore, become powerful guidelines for those planning to provide timely support and empowerment to their toddlers.

Sixthly, the issue of health cannot be ignored when studying motherhood in employed females. In a research by Ettinger et al., it was observed that young children whose mothers worked for more hours had increased chances of becoming obese or experiencing other health problems (2838). This was the case since such children had to be fed and guided by maids. Additionally, such babies grew up in disruptive environments that had the potential to affect their developmental stages or patterns. Those who work for prolonged hours will tend to have unpredictable work schedules. This means that their children will have interrupted or disorganized bedtime and mealtime routines (Hsin and Felfe 1879). The final outcome is that such children will have higher chances of developing numerous health problems and eventually be unable to pursue their goals in life.

Seventhly, single-headed families encounter diverse challenges that require evidence-based solutions. In many regions, unmarried women will engage in a wide range of economic activities in order to provide for their children. From the first year, these babies will get enough food and clothing. They will also be required to behave in a positive manner and focus on evidence-based practices that can eventually make them successful. This means that such children will increase their efforts in school. This happens to be the case since those who are raised up by their non-working mothers will lack adequate support, care, and guidance (Ettinger et al. 2841).

The possible outcome is that such individuals will remain troubled and eventually be unable to achieve their goals in life. The absence of shelter, food, and clothing can leave them disoriented and eventually trigger a wide range of psychological problems.

Career women who have jobs might be affected by the presence of young children. Vikram et al. indicate that some women might be forced to quit their jobs should their babies develop specific health problems (214). This outcome or decision will make it impossible for them to pursue their goals or provide for their children. In some cases, mothers who have babies might be unable to meet the demands of the other family members. Since they focus on their career goals, such individuals might eventually affect the success or stability of their families or marriages (Hsin and Felfe 1873). Additionally, such women will be unable to get adequate time for sharing, playing, or guiding their children. This is something that can result in psychological or emotional problems.

From these analyses, it is evident that more women are working than ever before. This trend has triggered both positive and negative implications on the experiences of the greatest number of children. Similarly, some working women might be unable to pursue their aims as mothers due to the nature of their careers (Ettinger et al. 2841). Stakeholders should address these challenges using evidence-based strategies in order to maximize the experiences and outcomes of both parties.


Since people are living in changing times, it is appropriate for working women to be aware of the issues surrounding motherhood. Since careers are essential sources of income, parents should create appropriate timetables that guide them to take good care and interact with their children. They should remain vigilant to monitor anomalies or problems that such babies might display (Prikhidko and Swank 281). They should go further to create enough time for interacting with them in an attempt to overcome psychological problems that might arise. Such a practice will present a win-win situation for both the toddler and the mother.

Family members should remain supportive whenever there is a child whose mother works for several hours. This practice will make it easier for them to focus on any problem or misbehavior that might emerge. They should also be involved to ensure that the child eats healthy, engages in exercises, and remains aware of his or her academic obligations. Parents can go further to hire competent maids who are capable of delivering high-quality care and support to their children. Additionally, parents should be vigilant and monitor the developmental milestones of their babies and learn to act accordingly (Hsin and Felfe 1878).

This kind of initiative will minimize the challenges many children brought up by non-working mothers experience. The end result is that such individuals will become empowered and eventually become responsible citizens. These gains will eventually improve the level of economic performance.


The above discussion has examined how motherhood has changed significantly within the past five decades. These developments are critical since they impact both babies ad their respective mothers. Without proper arrangements, children of working women can encounter numerous problems, including poor health outcomes, violent behaviors, and poor development. The mothers might experience psychological problems and be unable to interact with their babies. These issues should become powerful guidelines for informing evidence-based solutions that can deliver desirable results. Mothers should create adequate time, hire competent people, and encourage their family members to be involved in child upbringing.

Works Cited

Ettinger, Anna K., et al. Increasing Maternal Employment Influences Child Overweight/Obesity among Ethnically Diverse Families. Journal of Business Issues, vol. 39, no. 10, 2018, pp. 2836-2861.

Hsin, Amy, and Christina Felfe. When Does Time Matter? Maternal Employment, Childrens Time with Parents, and Child Development. Demography, vol. 51, no. 5, 2014, pp. 1867-1894.

McGinn, Kathleen L., et al. Learning from Mom: Cross-National Evidence Linking Maternal Employment and Adult Childrens Outcomes. Work, Employment and Society, vol. 33, no. 3, 2019, pp. 374-400.

Prikhidko, Alena, and Jacqueline M. Swank. Motherhood Experiences and Expectations: A Qualitative Exploration of Mothers of Toddlers. The Family Journal, vol. 26, no. 3, 2018, pp. 278-284.

Sani, Giulia M., and Stefani Scherer. Maternal Employment: Enabling Factors in Context. Work, Employment and Society, vol. 32, no. 1, 2018, pp. 75-92.

Vikram, Kriti, et al. Mothers Work Patterns and Childrens Cognitive Achievement: Evidence from the India Human Development Survey. Social Science Research, vol. 72, no. 1, 2018, pp. 207-224.

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