Factors Promoting Higher Divorce Rates

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Factors Promoting Higher Divorce Rates


Divorce has never been a desirable occurrence in American society. However, the recent reports indicate that there is a consistent rise in the rate of divorce in this country. According to the report by Hawkins and Fackrell, almost fifty percent of marriages in this country end up in divorce (Hawkins and Fackrell 41). The American culture that encourages individuality and happiness has been identified as one of the leading reasons why the rate of divorce in this country remains very high. However, this may not justify the higher rates of divorce that are currently witnessed in this country. It is important to analyze some of the specific reasons that would make couples consider divorce as the only solution whenever the marriage is riddled with some challenges.


Researchers have indicated that age or, to be more exact, a lack of maturity (Lampard 172) is one of the key divorce inducing factors. People who marry when they are teenagers have higher chances of divorcing than those who marry when they are over 25 years. This has been associated with the fact that at this tender age, one does not know what he or she wants in a woman or man. As one matures, he or she realizes that the choice made was wrong and full of immaturity. Salvaging such a marriage is almost impossible. This factor has led to high divorce rates in many families in this country.

Another factor that has been associated with high divorce rates is cohabiting before marriage (The Cohabitation Effect: The Consequences of Premarital Cohabitation para. 1). Although cohabiting may be necessary for individuals who are trying to cut down on expenses, many couples always cohabit to test what marriage life entails and whether the relationship can stand this test. However, this act brings a sense of insecurity in the family. The couples tend to develop some feeling of mistrust at early stages of a relationship, and this would be transferred into the family. Chances that such a family would break are always higher than that of couples who move in upon getting married officially.

The number of previous marriages has been found by researchers to be another leading reason why some people end up in divorce (Hawkins and Fackrell 65). Although many people have ignored the consequences of divorce, it brings with it a lot of effects that may ruin ones life if an individual fails to recover from its effect soon enough. The problem is that many individuals jump into other relationships before recovering from the effect of their previous marriages. Such an individual would not have taken time to meditate and decide what he or she considers as the most appropriate way forward in future relationships. Chances of committing previous mistakes that would lead to divorce become higher than those of an individual who had not divorced before.

Religion plays a role in curbing the rate of divorce (Glass and Levchak 2). According to the research by Vail, people who practice some form of religion always tend to try to salvage their marriages when they face a problem (Vail 26). This is especially so if the couples share the same religious beliefs. Most religious groups have a lot of esteem for marriages. For this reason, couples who are followers of a given religious grouping will always find a reason to remain together even when other forces try to push them apart. They become submissive to their religion, and the moment that marriage ceases to make sense to them, they would always find a reason to stay together and try to address the issues threatening their marriage. On the other hand, secular couples would always focus on what makes them happy. When they realize that their marriage is strained in any way, the first thought that crosses their mind is always divorce.

Financial issues are probably some of the leading causes of divorce in current American society. In the current society, both men and women are actively involved in economic activities that are meant to improve the economic standards of a family. However, Wilson notes that there are cases where finance may bring serious strains in the family that can result in divorce (Wilson para. 1). When one partner develops a feeling that the other partner is not doing as much as he or she is expected to do in helping the family economically, then the chances are high that such couples may end up divorcing. It is also important to note that when there is a serious financial mistrust between the couples, then it may be difficult to salvage such a marriage. On the other hand, a family with a steady income, high level of financial trust, and ability to listen to the partners view regarding expenditure stands a higher chance of remaining stable even in the face of other challenges (Increasing Intimacy in Marriage para. 3).

The level of education is another factor that has been associated with increased rates of divorce. Couples with a higher level of education tend to have lower chances of divorce as opposed to families with lesser education. Those who have degrees and stable jobs would find more reasons to stay together as a family than those who have lesser education. When one of the partners, especially the woman, is more educated than the man, then the feeling of inferiority complex would set in. This would probably lead to a divorce. Other factors that may increase the rate of divorce include age difference of the spouses, individuals raised by divorced parents, and infidelity.


The rate at which married couples are divorcing in this country is on the rise. This has been associated with several reasons. Some of the leading reasons for divorce include marriage at an adolescent stage when an individual is not sure with what he or she wants in life and financial mistrust. Limited education and infidelity are some of the other factors that promote higher divorce rates.

Works Cited

Glass, Jennifer and Philip Levchak. Red States, Blue States, and Divorce: Understanding Regional Variation in Divorce Rates. 2011. 

Hawkins, Alan J. and Tamara A. Fakrell. Should I Keep Trying to Work It Out? 2010. Web.

Increasing Intimacy in Marriage. n. d. Web.

Lampard, Richard. Age at Marriage and the Risk of Divorce in England and Wales. Demographic Research 30.7 (2013), 167202. Web.

The Cohabitation Effect: The Consequences of Premarital Cohabitation. Berkeley Science Review. 2012. Web.

Vail, Scott Harold. Reducing the Divorce Rates among Christians in America: Premarital Counseling a Prerequisite for Marriage. 2012. Web.

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