Career Counseling In The Terms Of Covid-19

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Career Counseling In The Terms Of Covid-19

To explain that how career counseling help in losing jobs and business at this pandemic situation of covid-19, its important to first explain the career counseling so it will help to understand what is career counseling how its work and how it can be done and what are its uses and how much its helpful.

After that we will shortly talk about covid-19, And then we will talk about the how career counseling can be helpful in this pandemic situation of covid-19 for those whom lose their jobs and businesses.

Career counseling


Career counseling was first emerged in the united state in late nineteen centaury where people was facing difficulty in jobs, they were losing jobs, face transitions and change, for their joblessness they career counseling was originated to help them out with this problem and to educate them. Career counseling is also called vocational guidance.

In late nineteen centaury career counseling help worker to educate them and to provide information related to their jobs and employment. Career counseling is the branch of counseling psychology.

It provides the historical bottom line for the counseling field. The counseling field emerged from three (3) distinct movements which are:

  • The vocational or career guidance,
  • Psychological measurement, and
  • Personality development.

Career counselor gives information and set a line more frequently during career counseling than general counseling. Career counselor plays role to identify aspects of self-exploration, support and educating as the most important and helpful element of career counseling interferences.

Broadening the narrow view of career counseling

Students often ceased that counseling is a sequence of interferences that like to be the following: First the client appears for career counseling, the clients information/data is collected by the counselor and a test battery is administered. After that the counselor describes a few appropriate occupational/career opportunities or ways to the client.

Aspects of the career counseling approach

The counselor is the supervisor of the process. Counselor is directive and authoritative. Clients in this approach are passive participants of test battery that is taken in beginning. Its something that is done to the clients and something that can be done combine by the counselor and the client.

By definition: career counseling is an interpersonal process made to help a person with career or vocational development problems. Career counseling can be therapeutic, and is more effective and difficult than psychotherapy.


Career counseling help to respond to global unemployment, downsizing, jobless economy, worker less factories, increase in number of companies offering daycare and people work from home and also identifies a social contract between the boss and the worker.

Counselor can also tell the requirements of work place to the clients which are: Use to technology (computer, laptop, online working). And engage in lifelong learning. Effectively interact to diverse co-worker. Tolerating ambiguity and being careful in sustaining a high level of self and occupational awareness to maintain profitability/marketability.

Phases of career counseling process

There are the following four phases of career counseling which are:

1. Opening phase

In the first stage, the relationship is established between the client and the counselor. Its an effective relationship which helps to work on further phases to resolves the clients career issue.

2. Phase of information gathering

In this phase the information is collection from the client and the data is gathered about the client. There they define and make goals for the counseling.

3. Working phase

Here the work is done on the information gathered from client and the goals and concerns or issues are explored in depth to reach the goal. After that a specific plan is develop for the client and implemented for action.

4. Final phase

Final phase is the ending or termination phase in which the all work done from the phase one to middle phase which is working phases are connect with each other to help client with current situation or status.

In these four phases the client assessed to achieve his/her goals and to know about the opportunities available to the client. And after that the client is terminated. There can be Premature closure or termination of the career counseling on the basis of; when client believe that his goals are achieved, or if the counseling experience doesnt meet the clients expectation.

Other reason can be; if the client lack commitment to counseling and/or client may fear about what can be uncovered in career counseling. There is a proper set of questions asked from client when he/she is terminated. These questions are about the content review, reemphasizes clients strength, review of the counseling process. Other questions that counselor asked can be about the exploration on unsaid thing and providing a direct and clear structure for the next step of the client.

Career counseling can be done Individually or in a Group. In group counseling there are more opportunities to deliver information to each other. Form group counseling it is important that the group have a same specific issue and their concerns are same. Groups are of two types;

  • Structured career counseling groups, and
  • Less structured counseling groups.

There are mostly 3-7 sessions. Stages of group counseling are same as the phases of career counseling.

Those stages are;

  1. Opening stage
  2. Investigation stage
  3. Working stage
  4. Decision/operational stage.

Uses of career group counseling:

  • Members learn new information about themselves and others.
  • Members of the group also get support from other group members; support can be emotional and social.
  • Members learn new things from new friends in a similar situation.
  • They can also share ideas and concepts with each other.

Criteria for successful group:

As members are in communication with each other openly so they understands each others concept and their thinking become broadening by share different ideas and talking on different things.

They share goals with each other and those who are having common goals help each other. On the basis of their goals they set standards that give them direction for their activities. They work combine towards satisfaction of individual needs, they set roles to play in group and develop interpersonal attraction.


Covid-19 is actually a corona virus disease, its a respiratory disease, and it spread through the droplets of saliva that generate from the infected individual. It also transmits through the air when an infected person sneezes or cough. Its one of the dangerous diseases. It spreads mostly all over the world, as more than 150 countries have this virus. Because of this pandemic situation most of the countries fire their employees and they become jobless, many countries did lockdown and in some countries even curfew had been imposed. Because of all this people are facing difficulties to sustain their family needs and food because they are not having jobs so they cant earn money.

In this pandemic virus situation, people are instructed to stay at homes and make distance of 2 feet to prevent from this disease. They are also instructed to stay safe from this disease and do wash your hands for20 seconds, make use of sanitizers and wear gloves to avoid touching, they are also instruct to wear masks which is the most important and to make social distancing and avoid social gatherings.

Because of this entire stressful and pandemic situation, people are very stressed, worried and disturbed. They are not even able to think about the opportunities to get a suitable job for them. As we discuss all about the career counseling and covid-19 its clear that how people lost their jobs and through the details of career counseling we can also know how career counselor work and what are the processes.

Career counselors can be helpful to those who are losing jobs and businesses in the situation of covid-19 pandemic. Counselors can help employees working in factories, schools, offices, chambers, institutes etc.

This joblessness greatly affect the lives of people they are really much stressed and in trouble, they are unable to take step for their self because of pandemic. The joblessness and losing businesses damaged peoples life, it also affect their personal life badly. They are not having jobs and are at homes which is making their personal life worse and affecting their families.

They are so anxious and stressed and because of this situation people are facing domestic violence, marriage discord, family fights and even killing happened. As they have lost their jobs and are as home so many people take out their frustration on another family members living with them in same residence. Job was one of the reasons to make people busy in their life and they had to spend hours on working because of which they were not free to think on extra things and after working for many hours their mind become tiered and they want rest. But if we compare this with present situation its totally opposite of it. They are at homes and they mostly thinks about their unemployment which makes them frustrated and they are unable to cope with this situation and in result of it many violations occurs at houses.

Also people are committing suicide because of this entire pandemic and because of they are unable to provide food to their families, their basic needs are not fulfilling and people are starving.

The first task of career counselor or vocational counselor in this entire situation is to encourage the clients to develop self-assertion and by this they will be able to know their value worthiness which will be helpful or beneficial for them. By this their confidence on themselves and their self esteem will increase, this will help them to protect against stress and it will become the performance of problem solving. It will bring positivity in them and they will think that they can face this situation.

And after that the second task of the counselor is to assist client for his/her career, provide assessment and information about different fields and different opportunities and provide knowledge of jobs according to his/her personality.

There are following characteristics of career development intervention that develop the desire of self-Affirmation:

  • Counselor can provide counseling to the client on the basis of career assistance and can provide support to the client in different ways. For developing self assertion in client, the counselor must have to get knowledge about the clients life structure issue.
  • Counselor makes the clients to clarify their self concept; the ways h thinks he is, and on the basis of this make their own lives. This career counseling happens cross culturally and because of it the counselor should exhibit the understanding that every counseling relationship is cross cultural.

As we discuss above that counselor provide support to the client, so it can be of different types.

Types of support:

  • Emotional support.
  • Informational support.
  • Assessment support.

On the basis of this, counselor can provide emotional support and it can be very helpful and useful in this situation of covid19. Counselor can support client with empathy as that we all are facing same situation and in a same state. All this will end soon but we have to believe in ourselves and have to keep struggling.

Career counselor also provide informational support, in this type of support he give information to the client about the circumstances and the opportunities and advices for the benefit of the client. In the situation of covid-19 client can also be informed about the resources, like the government had made some schemes on basis of this they are providing food to people who have lost their jobs, so it will help you a little bit.

They can give information to clients about the online jobs foe jobless people. And those who had lost or losing their business because of lockdown or curfew, they can be provided with information that you can make a platform for your worker and through which they can work online from their houses. So their business will not lose nor can the other people become jobless.

Other information can be given to clients in this pandemic situation can be of who to manage your vacancies for job, what opportunities should be provided to employees and what rules should be imposed to make better environment for productive work.

Information by career counselor are provided to the principals of the schools in this situation, as they are very worried about the students future and their studies so career counselor help them by providing information on study through media, they are instructed that their studies can run through media from which students can take advantage.

Besides this, teachers of private universities also seek career counselor that they are at homes and everything is closed and the universities are unable to pay them and they students who were about to develop their career are also suffering, and for this reason career counselor after assessment can give the advice of online classes through which studies will not be effected nor can teachers become jobless.

Career counselor can also provide information to general stores workers as they said people become jobless and are unable to earn money their job are also making loss to them. On this the counselor can give advice to the manager of general store to make a possible change in the rates of things or food that is acceptable for people so they can also buy things and your budget will not be get effective so much.

There are different kinds of informational support that can be provided to clients from the counselor. The last is the assessment support which is given to clients. In this support certain tests or techniques are used to assess the personality of the person. As people can do work well that is according to their personality and characteristics. On the basis of their assessment of personality, further support of information is given to the client. Career counselor assists their early experiences, role models, books, and movies etc. and after that counselor turn the life themes into career goals.

Career counselor can provide online counseling to the client for their career in this covid-19 pandemic situation. They can assist them and provide informational and emotional support. Career counseling is very helpful for those who are losing jobs and businesses they can get advantage from counseling and get awareness about themselves and job opportunities and about new thing for their businesses.

While providing support and career counseling to the client in this pandemic situation, some client can be resistant or rigid because of excessive stress and tension and they may see their previous job as they only one job or only way of fulfilling their familys basic need. Counselor here; will use different ways which can be;

  • Using presuppositions
  • Using embedded questions and directives
  • Labeling and reframing
  • Identify irrational beliefs and distorted thinking
  • Recognizing and dealing with resistance
  • Focusing on excuses and using reflective judgment stages.

There are different types of clients who can get benefit from career counseling by two ways and that are;

Subjective intervention, and Objective intervention

In is covid-19 situation, there can be clients who get benefit from different ways of the above and for this purpose we will explain the both terms of subjective and objective intervention. It dont require as much of the time of the counselor as compared to subjective assessment. It provides a useful starting point for subsequent consideration of career option. So both these strategies can be used with the different clients in this pandemic situation of covid-19 by first assessing them and their personalities and difficulty of case.

Whether to apply objective assessment or subjective assessment the important thing is to make a framework for the client, in which there are some steps to further lead the counseling sessions to the achievement of goals. These steps includes; helping client deal with change, same as in this pandemic situation people are helped by career counselor to deal with the drastic change and find ways for employment. Career counselor can help client to narrow or broad the choices and make plans.

In this pandemic situation of covid-19, career counselors can provide counseling to clients both individually and in groups. Groups can be structured or less structured.

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