Category: Woman

  • The Internal Conflicts In Woman And Transcended Parallelism: A Study On The Character Devi In The Novel Pandavapuram

    The Internal Conflicts In Woman And Transcended Parallelism: A Study On The Character Devi In The Novel Pandavapuram Abstract The war inside has ever been crucial in human life than the war outside and of course has ever littered sparks for a war. The war within human beings, often paves way to unimaginable internal transformations…

  • Canadian Human Rights Act: The Status Of Woman

    Canadian Human Rights Act: The Status Of Woman The scenario Pregnancy is an important period in the life of a woman; it is the period when two lives share the same body. During this time, the physical, emotional and mental health is very important and it can affect the well being of the mother and…

  • Sea Rose, Imagism, And The New Woman

    Sea Rose, Imagism, And The New Woman American modern literature starts in the late 19th century and takes many different forms throughout the period, such as seen with impressionism and imagism. While the former is often based on impressions coming from different characters perspectives, the latter proposes an opposed vision to impressionism by using clear-cut…

  • A Transforming Image Of A Woman In Gita Mehtas Raj

    A Transforming Image Of A Woman In Gita Mehtas Raj Gita Mehta occupies a prestigious place in Indian Writing in English whose writing mainly investigates Indian culture, tradition and political condition of India. Being a female author, her tendency of writing issues pertaining women could certainly be common to detect the identity of women in…

  • The Role Of Woman In The US History

    The Role Of Woman In The US History In the 19th century women and men were not equal, women were the weaker sex, inferior, while men were seen as superior. A home maker in the 19th century was seen to be the angel of the house as she would support her husband, care for the…

  • Underrepresentation Of Women In Leadership Positions In Higher Education

    Underrepresentation Of Women In Leadership Positions In Higher Education This paper will utilize an empirical lens to examine the underrepresentation of women in leadership positions in higher education. In most of Indias higher education policy documents, it has been observed that gender was a negligent category of analysis. Realizing the significance of the issue, Sustainable…

  • Women’s Role in World War 2 Essay

    Women’s Role in World War 2 Essay To what extent did Americas Participation in WWII Affect the Role of Women in Society? The following investigation examines the question: To what extent did Americas participation in WWII affect the role of women in society? The investigation focuses on the effects of US involvement in the war…

  • The Role of Women in World War Two

    The Role of Women in World War Two World War Two was a war that was including the Axis powers and Allies. It is rare to hear about women in the war effort because during this time, discrimination for women was normalized. But because it was normalized, stories of them were rarely shared. Millions of…

  • How Instrumental Sports Challenge Emphasized Femininity

    How Instrumental Sports Challenge Emphasized Femininity Introduction It is safe to say that we currently live in a time that fights for gender equality. The norm is no longer the idea that men are superior to women in any way. There are now multiple genders and each one is becoming more widely accepted throughout our…

  • Discursive Essay on Beauvoirs Statement That Woman Is the Absolute Other

    Discursive Essay on Beauvoirs Statement That Woman Is the Absolute Other The keywords absolute and other hold a pivotal significance in de Beauvoirs writings, in reference to the statement woman is the absolute Other. While the statement held magnitude in the relevant era, and continues to do so in several aspects in the modern day,…