Category: Wealth

  • The Rich vs. the Poor in United States of America

    The Rich vs. the Poor in United States of America The growing wealth inequality in the US is now a major social issue. As such, academics, including sociologists and economists, have explored wealth inequality from various perspectives and found multiple responsible variables. For instance, the video, the Extent of U.S. Wealth Inequality, presents a dramatic…

  • Decrease the Disparity Between Rich and Poor Solution

    Decrease the Disparity Between Rich and Poor Solution Human society has long been separated under the influence of the economic factor: while a small group of the elite has been enjoying prosperity, the majority of people have been suffering from continuous shortages and disorders. Today, over one billion people in the world subsist on $1…

  • Rich vs. Poor in America

    Rich vs. Poor in America Table of Contents Factors for Income Distribution Inequality Suggestions to Reduce the Income Gap Conclusion References Despite the attempts to reduce social discrepancies, economic inequality is still a burden on American society. This problem is related to disparities in wealth and income distribution and results in an unbridgeable gap between…

  • Wealth and Power: The Class Structure in the U.S.

    Wealth and Power: The Class Structure in the U.S. Your class will soon be graduating from college. Some of your friends keep saying how their parents will buy them cars and pay for their holidays abroad. Is the most you can hope for a family photograph? Whatever one gets on graduation day is a clear…

  • The Widening Gap Between the Rich and the Poor in the Global Community

    The Widening Gap Between the Rich and the Poor in the Global Community This article mainly draws attention to the widening gap between the rich and the poor in the global community. The paper argues that despite America declaring itself as one of the highly developed nations, it is still facing a high economic disparity…

  • Embarrassment of Riches by Sheelah Kolhatkar

    Embarrassment of Riches by Sheelah Kolhatkar Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Work Cited Introduction In the article Embarrassment of Riches, Sheelah Kolhatkar addresses the tendency of ultra-wealthy Americans to consider rising income inequality and advocate the necessity to make higher taxes for them (32). In general, it is a highly informative article, and…

  • Wealth and Social Gaps in the United States

    Wealth and Social Gaps in the United States Clips Analysis Wealth distribution in a population is a subject of concern in every society and nation. In the United States, ideal wealth distribution in peoples minds reflects that ownership of resources is to the advantage of specific individuals. It is believed that the top 20 percent…

  • Racial Wealth Disparity: Causes and Consequences

    Racial Wealth Disparity: Causes and Consequences For many years, racial wealth inequality has been well-acknowledged in research and policy circles. The disparity in assets and loans between white and black households in the United States has been an ongoing and chronic issue. Although racial and economic disparity is a fundamental aspect of the United States,…

  • Are Rich Countries Morally Obligated to Assist Poor Countries?

    Are Rich Countries Morally Obligated to Assist Poor Countries? The problem of unequal distribution of benefits is relevant not only for one single country but also for comparing the levels of economic development of different states. While some powers are becoming more affluent and more influential in the world arena, the governments of countries with…

  • Why Some Countries Are Rich and Others  Poor?

    Why Some Countries Are Rich and Others  Poor? There is a widespread opinion that the poor territories deserve it themselves  they did not want to work, and so on, that is, their mental characteristics are to blame. To answer why some countries are rich and others are poor, one needs a comprehensive analysis…