Category: Vision

  • The Neuroanatomy Of Phenomenal Vision

    The Neuroanatomy Of Phenomenal Vision Phenomenal vision is the sight of colors, brightness, depth, shades, and motion, generated by light distributed on the retina (Stoerig, 2001). Undeniably, there are phenomenally unconscious visual mechanisms occurring within an individual’s retinal processes and occipital lobe activity does not correlate with visual awareness. Research into the study of vision…

  • Simple Rules To Keep Your Vision Healthy

    Simple Rules To Keep Your Vision Healthy Introduction Human bodies are capable of doing amazing things every single day, which we often neglect. One of the most underestimated organs is the eyes. They are our window to the world yet a large number of people are not interested in how they work. This can lead…

  • Development Of Human Visual Function

    Development Of Human Visual Function A person undergoes many changes within their eyes during infancy that are crucial for being able to have the best possible vision. At birth, a babys vision is very inferior when compared to an adult. This is because most elements of the eye are very underdeveloped and need to undergo…

  • The Impact Of A Sports Vision Training Programme

    The Impact Of A Sports Vision Training Programme Keep your eye on the Ball- a common saying that is not often taken literally, but Vision Training has been thought to give this phrase a more meaningful purpose. Vision Training, also known as Vision Therapy has been said to be one of the most controversial procedures…

  • Colour Vision And Contrast Sensitivity In Babies

    Colour Vision And Contrast Sensitivity In Babies We can see the world in colour due to receptors, known as rods and cones, which are found in our retina. They contain different pigments, which absorb certain wavelengths of light better than others. Rods do not mediate colour vision and are responsible for our ability to see…

  • Why Binocular Vision Matters In Myopia Management

    Why Binocular Vision Matters In Myopia Management Optometry plays an important role in both diagnosing and managing binocular vision disorders. Binocular vision disorders have been associated with increased near-work symptoms1 and reduced academic achievement,2 while successful treatment of a binocular vision disorder has been associated with reduced adverse academic behaviours and reduced parental concern regarding…

  • The Development Of Infant Vision

    The Development Of Infant Vision This essay will explore the development of visual acuity and depth perception within the first year of an infants life. It explains the reason for the fast development of visual acuity within the first 6 months and the development of visual acuity based on how cone photoreceptors and the fovea…

  • The Development Of Vision Over The First 12 Months Of Life

    The Development Of Vision Over The First 12 Months Of Life Over the first year of life, many developments in the body occur including speech advancements, fine and gross motor movements, facial expressions and the fusion of bones. One of these advancements includes the progression of our eyesight- vision is a powerful sight that allows…

  • Color Vision Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, Types And Treatment

    Color Vision Deficiency: Causes, Symptoms, Types And Treatment What is it? Color vision deficiency, also known as color blindness, is a condition that affects an individuals ability to differentiate between colors, specifically those of similar hues. The inability to distinguish between colors results from either a partial or total loss of color vision, depending on…

  • The Features Of PMF Advanced Proof Vision

    The Features Of PMF Advanced Proof Vision Introduction In this modern era, everyone has certain deficiencies in their body. These deficiencies will lead to many serious complications. These complications may be of bones, joints and of many other body parts. As you all know, eye is the most sensitive part of our body and it…