Category: Virtue

  • Worlds Famine and Virtue

    Worlds Famine and Virtue In his article called Famine Relief: The Duties We Have to Others, Christopher Heath Wellman focuses on the subject of ethics in the act of helping other people. His major statement is that if one has the resources and an ability to help someone who is in need of help without…

  • Machiavellis and Christine de Pizans Views on Virtue

    Machiavellis and Christine de Pizans Views on Virtue Table of Contents Introduction Machiavellian Virtue Christine de Pizans Virtue Importance of Gender in understanding Virtue Conclusion References Introduction Virtue is explicitly expressed in different terms and analyses from The Prince and The Book of the City of Ladies and other Writings. The two pieces of literary…

  • Importance of Excellence in Virtue

    Importance of Excellence in Virtue The Greek word arête means excellence; it can be used to describe many things that are excellent in a function of which they are capable. However, being applied to people, arête turns from excellence to more of virtue or even excellence in virtue (Carr). It is then an individuals use…

  • Class and Virtue: Differences Between Low and Upper Class

    Class and Virtue: Differences Between Low and Upper Class Table of Contents Introduction Main text Summary Works Cited Page Introduction Since ancient times, class relations and class values have been discussed by scholars, educators, politicians and ethnologists. Persons virtuous behavior can be habitual and effortless in different circumstances, but this does not alter the fact…

  • The Understanding Of Civic Virtue In The United States

    The Understanding Of Civic Virtue In The United States I believe most citizens of the United States today have a understanding of civic virtue but do not have an enduring action of civic virtue. Civic virtue is the righteous behavior of a persons involvement in their community. It is a very important part to a…

  • The Virtue Theory In Philosophy

    The Virtue Theory In Philosophy Most recently the virtue theory has resurfaced because of contemporary theorists criticizing principle based theories such as Utilitarianism and Kantian ethics (230). According to the text Ethical Choices, Virtue theory is an objective theory and the fact that it can have multiple right choices sets it apart from all principle…

  • Correlation Of Gentleman And Virtue In Confucius Philosophical Thoughts

    Correlation Of Gentleman And Virtue In Confucius Philosophical Thoughts Throughout the Analects of Confucius, Confucius teaches and gives a lot of concepts to certain contents. Each one has many definitions that go as a circle and complete the intended meaning. In most parts, Confucius gives small definitions to the concepts of gentleman, filial devotions, humanness…

  • Ancient Teachings On Virtue

    Ancient Teachings On Virtue Virtue is a word that is always highly praised, regardless if it is for daily life accomplishments or in the realm of religions. The word virtue is defined as, behavior showing high moral standards. When it comes to religions, virtue is a moral standard that is desired to be followed. In…

  • Is Virtue A Path To Happiness?

    Is Virtue A Path To Happiness? I would argue that the real issue is that most of us do not have a correct understanding of what virtue is. When we hear the idea that happiness consists only of living virtuously, we have a very different vision than what Aristotle would want us to have. I…