Category: Violence in Video Games

  • Violence in Video Games: Essay Outline

    Violence in Video Games: Essay Outline Do video games cause violence? Whenever a new form of entertainment rises in popularity, the mostly good remarks made are always mixed with a few disgruntled people worried about the potential harm a medium can inflict. This can be seen in television, cinema, YA novels, and even comic books…

  • Violent Video Games Essay

    Violent Video Games Essay Introduction Video games were introduced to society back in the 1970s. A game called Pong was developed in the year of 1972 gaining a lot of popularity. Back then video games were played on arcades and people had to put in quarters to be able to play the game. Now there…

  • Video Games Are Not The Source Of Violence

    Video Games Are Not The Source Of Violence Video games have been under massive criticism in the last few years, especially when people are saying that they cause violent tendencies in young children and have had a direct link in the recent rise in school shootings in America. But multiple scientists have debunked this claim…

  • Video Game Violence Is Not The Problem In Real Life

    Video Game Violence Is Not The Problem In Real Life With all the recent tragedies in the news, people are looking for answers to why this is happening. Many people have their own theories, but a popular one perpetuated is that violent video games are causing real-life violence. Even the president of the United States…

  • Violent Video Games And Their Effects

    Violent Video Games And Their Effects The sounds of gunfire and screams fill your room, your screen is filled with blood and gore, and just like that, you end the day and go to sleep. Violent video games have been a very controversial topic since 1976. There have been studies that supposedly prove that video…

  • Gaming Does Not Cause Violence

    Gaming Does Not Cause Violence Over the years of its existence, gaming has encouraged nothing but peace. Throughout history, there have been countless things that become antagonized. Whether it be types of dances, music genres or media. It seems like every time something new comes around it is inevitably misunderstood. One big form of media…

  • Is Video Game Good Or Bad?

    Is Video Game Good Or Bad? Introduction In 1947, Thomas Goldsmith and Estle Ray Mann invented the first arcade game, which allowed a user to control a vector-drawn dot on the screen to simulate a missile being fired at targets (Wolf, 2008). Since then, the video game has received more and more attention and support,…

  • Do Video Games Make You Violent?

    Do Video Games Make You Violent? Since the start of video games, its sole purpose was to bring delight and the creativeness to children around the world. It was meant for a way for kids to interact with others and enjoy the fun a virtual reality could be. However, over time and into todays world,…

  • Do Violent Video Games Make People More Violent, Or They Unburden Themselves This Way?

    Do Violent Video Games Make People More Violent, Or They Unburden Themselves This Way? Introduction A survey found that 92% of children, ages 2-17, play video games. According to parents, children, between the ages of two and seventeen, spend almost 6.5 hours a day in front of TV and computers playing video games. The study…

  • Video Game and Violence Behavior

    Video Game and Violence Behavior Does it seem dull and boring waiting for time to pass by? Even though some have better plans to do, there are some that do not have the same plans to do. For the time to pass by, the other thing they can do is relax at home and enjoy…