Category: Uber

  • Uber as the Platform Service



    Uber as the Platform Service With the emergence of the technological breakthrough that has been occurring over the past few decades, the transfer of most services to the digital environment was not only necessary but also inevitable. The opportunities of the digital market had to be explored, and a vast number of companies managed to…

  • Uber: The Systems Applications and Products



    Uber: The Systems Applications and Products Chapter 9 Case Review The problem addressed in the case study was the organizations adoption of a new SAP system. Versum continues using its IT infrastructure after being split from its parent firm (Laudon, 2021). However, the holding company quickly demanded that Versum converts to an autonomous IT structure…

  • Can Uber Be the Uber of Everything



    Can Uber Be the Uber of Everything The purpose of this essay is to analyze the competitive advantage of Uber and the viability of its business model. During the last decade, Uber gained a major share of the taxi industry. However, the benefits of using its business model are controversial, at least. Despite the fact…

  • Uber, Inc.: Sustainable Mobility



    Uber, Inc.: Sustainable Mobility In my Module 2 innovation proposal, I wrote about Uber diversifying its application to allow scheduled pickups. Despite the implications regarding its potential success proving to be accurate, more thorough research uncovered that this idea was not new to the market (Kieu et al., 2020). Moreover, Uber itself has already adopted…

  • Uber Storms Europe: Europe Strikes Back



    Uber Storms Europe: Europe Strikes Back Table of Contents Introduction Summary Overview Business Type Responses Challenges Conclusion Work Cited Introduction Modern technologies are currently transforming business operations and processes. Uber Technologies is one of the companies that have capitalized on the power of smartphones and apps to deliver high-quality services to the targeted customers. Unfortunately,…

  • Uber: Agency Law, Liability, and Recommendations for Limiting Legal Exposure



    Uber: Agency Law, Liability, and Recommendations for Limiting Legal Exposure Table of Contents The Main Principles of Agency Law Ubers Liability Recommendations for Limiting Legal Exposure Sources The Main Principles of Agency Law Agency relationships exist between the company and its labor force. Agency is a relationship between two parties  the principal and the…

  • Uber Company: Business Case Study



    Uber Company: Business Case Study Table of Contents Introduction Diversity Legislation Sexual Harassment Classification of Workers Conclusion References Introduction Despite promoting a favorable image, not all organizations always follow the basics of good behavior. The provided case study (CS) presents the situation of Uber protecting its employees who harassed other individuals working in the corporation.…

  • Blue Ocean Market: Uber Case Study



    Blue Ocean Market: Uber Case Study In comparison with the red ones, blue oceans are the markets that do not exist yet and are to be created by companies through innovative and unique products or services. Hence, the red oceans are the ones where competitors fight for a larger market share, while in the blue…

  • Multicultural Issue That Affects Uber Technologies



    Multicultural Issue That Affects Uber Technologies This report aims to provide business solutions to a multicultural issue that affects Uber Technologies Inc. Uber represents a visible multinational company that has received considerable negative attention in the media. However, few people know of the extent of its aggressive management approach that led to various problems such…

  • Uber Technologies Incorporated: Management, Marketing And Products



    Uber Technologies Incorporated: Management, Marketing And Products Uber Technologies Inc. listed on the New York Stock Exchange on 10 May 2019. Wild speculation about the value of the 9th largest IPO in history has been all over the media for a few months. Last year, investment bankers, jockeying for some action in the fee income,…