Category: Training

  • Weight Training Program Plan

    Weight Training Program Plan Introduction Strength and conditioning works to form your body stronger, providing you with the talents you would like so as to make a simpler workout overall. When your core is healthy, you’ll be ready to transfer energy to the all of the muscles. A smart strength and conditioning program can actually…

  • Effectiveness Of High Intensity Interval & Strength Training On Body Fat Percentage In Overweight And Obese Women

    Effectiveness Of High Intensity Interval & Strength Training On Body Fat Percentage In Overweight And Obese Women INTRODUCTION Obesity, defined by American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) is an excessive amount of adipose tissue that presents a risk to individuals health[1]. Overweight & obesity are rapidly increasing in countries like India. The prevalence of obesity…

  • Training Management Missteps During Operation Anaconda

    Training Management Missteps During Operation Anaconda Introduction One of Americas most important battles occurred at the turn of the century, and beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom with Operation Anaconda in the Shahi-Kot Valley in eastern Afghanistan. Operation Anaconda, which occurred in March 2002, was a very difficult battle against Al-Qaeda enemies in a very rough…

  • Principles Of Training: A Training Program For An Individual

    Principles Of Training: A Training Program For An Individual Introduction A specific training programme will be created and analysed for the clients needs and goals. There will also be a detailed analysis of the components of fitness the athlete needs to improve. Goal setting is one of the most popular performance enhancement techniques in sport…