Category: Trade

  • Denmarks Savings and Trade Balance

    Denmarks Savings and Trade Balance Savings, BOP and current Account According to Soukizis and Cerqueira (2012, p. 59), savings indicate what is left after consumers have made their consumption. The income is either consumed or saved with savings being closely related to the level of investment and the national income. The level of savings in…

  • Tradable Permit Schemes: Cap and Trade

    Tradable Permit Schemes: Cap and Trade Introduction Over the last one decade, policymakers and regulators have shown an increased and concerted effort towards mitigation of climate change. Market based pollution permit trading programs comprise the chief mitigation strategies that have been implemented to regulate industrial pollution. Tradable permit programs establish a clear price signal that…

  • Foreign Investment and Trade Policy in the US

    Foreign Investment and Trade Policy in the US Table of Contents Recent Investments Intrafirm Trade Foreign Investments by Industry and Country Acquisitions and Establishments Foreign Investment and National Security Economic Performance Conclusion Recent Investments The presented article opens with a review of recent investments at the time of its writing. The authors state that the…

  • Canadas International Trade Policy

    Canadas International Trade Policy Introduction International trade strategies have changed for Canada. In fact, 2017 is proving to be the year that define the countrys international trade policy. The US wants to renegotiate NAFTA and the dwindling outcomes of the Asia-Pacific trade policy, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), provide an opportunity for a review of trade policy.…

  • International Business and Free Trade Agreement

    International Business and Free Trade Agreement Table of Contents Introduction Advantages of NAFTA to the USA Disadvantages of NAFTA to the USA Individual Conclusion Question Two Recommendation References Introduction The North American Free Trade Agreement, which has been in existence for seventeen years, was signed in 1994. This agreement created a free trade area between…

  • International Trade Theory: Hills Book Summary

    International Trade Theory: Hills Book Summary Chapter summaries This chapter begins by giving a brief overview of the benefits of international trade through the examination of the garment industry in Bangladesh. This chapter has also evaluated several theories that outline the advantages of a country engaging in international trade and the model of international trade…

  • The Political Economy of International Trade

    The Political Economy of International Trade The chapter focuses on international trade and how most governments usually view free trade as ideal but may interfere with the trading for political and economic reasons. The instruments used by governments to regulate trade include; tariffs, subsidies on goods, import quotas on goods and services, voluntarily restraining some…

  • China Trade Barriers and Their Economic Effects

    China Trade Barriers and Their Economic Effects Based on the Chinese governments standpoint, is it logical to impose the trade barrier? China is one of the most promising markets and it can affect the development of the global market. Palmer (2010) notes that the USA as well as other countries express their concerns as to…

  • Nicaraguas Overreliance on International Trade

    Nicaraguas Overreliance on International Trade The position on Nicaragua portrayed in the video is fairly accurate, as it appears that similar sentiments have been observed by other individuals who have studied LDCs (Least Developed Countries). It has been observed that the main motivation behind LDC states about international financial obligations is the international trade ties…

  • The World Trade Organizations Controversies

    The World Trade Organizations Controversies The World Trade Organization is the sole global body that deals with fairness in trade among nations. It designs rules to ensure that large economies and small economies are at par in economic growth. However, its policies and propositions are not popular with most nations. Its aims are to facilitate…