Category: Trade

  • International Trade: Identifying Market Structure

    International Trade: Identifying Market Structure Market Definition and the Relevant Market With the U.S. infrastructure becoming increasingly more intricate, the automotive industry has been experiencing a range of challenges and simultaneously enjoying a vast array of newly opened opportunities. In the United States (U.S.), car exports rose by 1.91% in 2016 (Rao 175). Even though…

  • Importance of the Maritime Trade

    Importance of the Maritime Trade Importance of Maritime Trade to the North America and the U.S. Economies The U.S. maritime system comprise of more than three hundred sea and river ports including over three thousand seven hundred cargo and passenger terminal and over one thousand harbor channels all these spread along the coastline. Traffic is…

  • Fighters for the Abolition of the Slave Trade: Olaudah Equianos Characteristic

    Fighters for the Abolition of the Slave Trade: Olaudah Equianos Characteristic The abolition of the slave trade was one of the problems in the history of the world which placed on edge of war a lot of people. Freedom is one of the main desires of people and modern life in civilized countries is impossible…

  • Stockbroker E*TRADE: A Pioneer in Online Trading

    Stockbroker E*TRADE: A Pioneer in Online Trading Table of Contents Introduction Networking, Communications, and Security Impact of the System Competitive Analysis of the System Recommendations for Improving the System Conclusion References Introduction Stockbroker E*TRADE presents itself as a pioneer in online trading for retail investors. The company is one of the oldest in the world,…

  • Atlantic Slave Trade and Its Effect on Africa and the Americas

    Atlantic Slave Trade and Its Effect on Africa and the Americas Table of Contents Introduction Atlantic Slave Trade Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The high discrimination against the black people in the cause of slavery and after this slavery might bring about the idea that holding the African people into slavery started as a consequence of…

  • Transatlantic Slave Trade and Its Effects

    Transatlantic Slave Trade and Its Effects Table of Contents Introduction Triangular Trade Human Toll, Economics of Slavery, and Effects Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The transatlantic slave trade is the forced export of African slaves from Africa to the colonies of the New World and European countries. Its beginning dates back to the middle of the…

  • Trade Policies in International Business

    Trade Policies in International Business Dumping is understood as the deliberate lowering of prices below the average market to displace competitors. Meanwhile, anti-dumping is a strategy to counter dumping which is used to prevent unscrupulous participants from concluding a state contract (Blonigen & Prusa, 2019). If the participant greatly reduces the price, this does not…

  • Trade and Supply Chain Improvement Initiatives

    Trade and Supply Chain Improvement Initiatives The ability to operate supply chain (SC) and trade processes in an efficient manner is inextricably connected to modern states economic success and status in the international market. At the national level, optimal performance in this regard can be ascertained using a vast array of strategies. To promote trade…

  • World Trade Organization and Doha Declaration

    World Trade Organization and Doha Declaration The landmark multilateral agreement at the Bali conference in Indonesia under the umbrella of the WTO remains a major achievement of the Doha Declaration. The ministers had agreed to adopt about 50 decisions on different issues such as agriculture, investment measures, textile and clothing, technical red tapes to trade,…

  • Free Trade as a New Phenomenon in International Trade

    Free Trade as a New Phenomenon in International Trade The significant shifts in the development of global trade in the 20th century provoked the emergence of the new phenomena in the international trade organization. The regional free trade agreements can be regarded as one of these phenomena. The free trade concept was introduced in Theory…