Category: The Scarlet Letter

  • A Biographical Approach On The Scarlet Letter

    A Biographical Approach On The Scarlet Letter One factor that Pearl exhibits is her family background which is parallel to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s. Hawthornes ancestor, John Hathorne was a judge from the Salem Witch Trials. The ancestral ties with Salem heavily impacted Hawthorne as he was ashamed of his family. Similarly, Pearl, like Hawthorne, was born…

  • Symbols Interpretations in The Scarlet Letter

    Symbols Interpretations in The Scarlet Letter Symbolism is a type of literary device that allows complex ideas to be explored and conveyed in a clear way for readers. As a result, it can have an impactful influence on the themes of a story. One author that utilizes this to enhance the themes of their novel…

  • The Scarlet Letter: the Image of Puritan Hypocrisy

    The Scarlet Letter: the Image of Puritan Hypocrisy Have you ever reminisced about a bad doing that you had committed? If so how did you deal with it? How did others around you react and treat you afterwards? In The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne uses the character Pearl as a representation of the sin that Hester…

  • Why Did Nathaniel Hawthorne Write the Scarlet Letter

    Why Did Nathaniel Hawthorne Write the Scarlet Letter One of Nathaniel Hawthornes main purposes in writing The Scarlet Letter was to show that all people sin no matter who they are or what status they have. Hawthorne also makes it clear that people can learn from the consequences of their sin, and that sin can…

  • The Construction Of A Fallen Woman In Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorn

    The Construction Of A Fallen Woman In Scarlet Letter By Nathaniel Hawthorn This paper focuses on a construction of a women in Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne and the way the woman is shown as a fallen one. Specific methodologies have been chosen to explain, identify and analyse information about this topic – gender, feminist…

  • The Symbol of Rosebush in The Scarlet Letter

    The Symbol of Rosebush in The Scarlet Letter In the iconic book The Scarlet Letter the reader comes across a vague understanding of what it means to be an adulterer. A person who truly represents and shows a sin that most believe to be the absolute uncrossable line that should not even be spoken of…

  • The Aspects of Transcendentalism in The Scarlet Letter

    The Aspects of Transcendentalism in The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter, written in 1850 by Nathaniel Hawthorne, is a story based on the punishment of sin, exclusively, adultery. During this time Hawthorne was moved by the transcendentalist ideas and beliefs, which is evident in his work. The story analyzes Hester Prynns committed sin of adultery…

  • Thematic Analysis of Scarlet Letter

    Thematic Analysis of Scarlet Letter In the first scaffold scene, Hester is led out of prison and has to stand with her baby on the scaffold to be publicly humiliated for committing adultery, in the second scaffold scene, Dimmesdale goes to the scaffold where he comes clean to his sin in private and later Hester…