Category: Taekwondo

  • The Peculiarities Of Taekwondo Do As Martial Arts

    The Peculiarities Of Taekwondo Do As Martial Arts Taekwondo or Tae Kwon Do is a martial art that was founded in Korea in the year of 1945 (Morris) and it was only in the year 2000 that it was announced to be an Olympic sport. Tae meaning foot Kwon meaning fist and do meaning the…

  • Taekwondo As My Dream

    Taekwondo As My Dream Imagine being good at taekwondo. No scrap that. imagine being great at taekwondo. No scrap that again. Imagine being the Best taekwondo martial artist in the world. Yes, thats my dream, and let me tell you how I am going to achieve it. First, I have been, and will continue to,…

  • History of Taekwondo Essay

    History of Taekwondo Essay What is taekwondo-do? In simple terms, its a kind of unarmed combat that began in ancient times and was practiced in the Orient for many centuries. The art of unarmed combat or self-defense got to be sharpened in Korea. This art has been embraced by many Eastern countries such as China…