Category: Stroke

  • Ischemic Stroke: Diagnosis And Treatment

    Ischemic Stroke: Diagnosis And Treatment Ischemic stroke is one of the leading causes of death among populations across the world. The disease is deadly, thus requires timely management when symptoms appear. According to Mayo Clinic (2019), at least 795000 people in America suffer a new or recurring ischemic stroke, with relevant stakeholders now in the…

  • Current Management Of Stroke

    Current Management Of Stroke Introduction Stroke is a major public health problem globally and surviving patients have very high risks of recurrence (Wolfe et al, 2010). It is the third-largest cause of death in England(Raithatha et al, 2013). The World Health Organization defines stroke as a rapidly developing clinical signs of focal (at times global)…

  • Understanding The Mechanisms Leading To Microvascular Dysfunction And Poor Cerebral Perfusion In Stroke

    Understanding The Mechanisms Leading To Microvascular Dysfunction And Poor Cerebral Perfusion In Stroke INTRODUCTION Thrombosis Research Group The Thrombosis Group at the Heart Research Institute (HRI) conducts experimental and clinical research into atherothrombotic disease. This research aims to establish the mechanisms that lead to platelet hyperactivity and pathological blood clot formation in healthy individuals. This…

  • Causes Of Stroke And Its Preventions

    Causes Of Stroke And Its Preventions Based on studies, there’s two principal explanation for stroke that we’d like to grasp. These area units referred to as a blocked artery named ischemia and Hemorrhagic, the abundant of vas within the brain. Also, some persons might solely have a Transient ischaemic Attack (TIA) or short interruption of…

  • Ischemic Stroke: Pathophysiology And Current Treatment Methods

    Ischemic Stroke: Pathophysiology And Current Treatment Methods Cardiovascular disease continues to lead as the predominant cause of death worldwide. In particular, cerebrovascular accidents (stroke) account for the second leading cause of death globally (Katan & Luft, 2018). The overall increasing rate of stroke is attributed to an ageing population and lifestyle factors despite the onset…

  • Impacts of Stroke on the Nervous and Sensory System

    Impacts of Stroke on the Nervous and Sensory System Stroke is a severe pathology of the brain, which is caused by the violation of the blood supply and is fraught with dangerous implications for both the nervous system and the sensory system. The manifestations of impairments in patients with stroke may vary depending on the…

  • Stroke: Preliminary Care Coordination Plan

    Stroke: Preliminary Care Coordination Plan Stroke Analysis and Best Practices for Improved Health Stroke is a medical emergency disease that happens when part of a brain collapses after losing blood supply. The part of the body controlled by the affected section of the brain also stops functioning (Alqwaifly et al., 2020). Stroke is also known…

  • Stroke and Rehabilitation Among the Elderly People

    Stroke and Rehabilitation Among the Elderly People Case Description Presenting Condition History Patient X is a 62-year-old member of the senior citizens working on a Dairy Farm. While eating his supper, he experienced sudden onset speech slurring, developed facial droop on his right hand, which subsequently developed weakness in the left side of the lower…

  • Ischemic Stroke: Advances in Diagnosis and Management

    Ischemic Stroke: Advances in Diagnosis and Management Table of Contents Overview Organs Involved Morbidity and Mortality Statistics of Ischemic Stroke Clinical Manifestations Diagnostic Measures Curative treatment of Ischemic Stroke Future Research on Ischemic Stroke References Overview A stroke usually occurs due to decreased or interrupted blood supply to the whole or part of the brain,…