Category: Software

  • Software-Defined Networking and Intent-Based Networking

    Software-Defined Networking and Intent-Based Networking Table of Contents Background Software-Defined Networking Intent-Based Networking Virtualization and Back-End Infrastructure Links between SDN and IBN References Background Traditional networking has been recurrently addressed in the literature as somewhat outdated due to the limited functionality that could not escape dedicated equipment. For instance, Hadi et al. (2018) mentioned that…

  • Urban Planning Software: Network Analysis Toolbox

    Urban Planning Software: Network Analysis Toolbox Urban Planning Software be useful to mitigate the challenges one might face as an area planner, city manager, politician, home owner or business owner Network Analysis Toolbox is a software that was created to model the traffic of bicycles and pedestrian routes in the cities by modelling them. For…

  • LabVIEW Software: Design Systems of Measurement

    LabVIEW Software: Design Systems of Measurement Table of Contents Introduction Experimental Setup and Procedure Results and Discussion Conclusion Reference List Introduction LabVIEW is software that was developed to design systems of measurement [1]. In addition, LabVIEW provides an array of tools for controlling the course of an experiment, such as specific methods of providing time…

  • AutoCAD Software Properties and Interface

    AutoCAD Software Properties and Interface The properties dialog box has a central location for viewing and allowing modification of graphical and physical properties of an object the user wants to draw or those selected within the area to be drawn. A list of critical settings is found in the properties dialog box, including 3D Visualization,…

  • Hotjar: Web Analytics Software Difference

    Hotjar: Web Analytics Software Difference Table of Contents Introduction The Purpose of Hotjar Hotjar: Operation Supporting Managerial Decision Making Conclusion Works Cited Introduction There are various web analytics software tools that provide a wide range of services. Some of them use a simplified interface and have a limited number of features, while others offer an…

  • Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking

    Virtualization and Software-Defined Networking Table of Contents Introduction Virtualization and its Subsets Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and its Subsets Network Security and its Subsets Conclusion References Introduction It should be noted that the area of network design and management develops rather rapidly. The main reason for it is the fact that organizations have to adapt quickly…

  • Discussing Different Software Development Methodologies

    Discussing Different Software Development Methodologies There is an extended number of software methodologies that have their own advantages and disadvantages. First, it is possible for organizations to use the Waterfall method that is based on a sequential approach. Its main pros are that it is rather functional and understandable, and it can be successfully used…

  • Software Testing: Manual and Automated Web-Application Testing Tools

    Software Testing: Manual and Automated Web-Application Testing Tools Introduction The purpose of the software testing process is to distinguish all the imperfections existing in software design (Bahl, 2015, p. 316). It is the way toward practicing and assessing a framework or framework segments by manual or programmed technique to confirm that it fulfills determined necessities…

  • Developer and Software Project Manager: The Importance of Interaction

    Developer and Software Project Manager: The Importance of Interaction In the age of the rapid development of technology and the emergence of hundreds of new computer and telephone programs, the role of a software project manager is only growing. The project developer interacts with them quite a lot during the program creation. There are two…

  • Syntax Code Writing in Statistical Software

    Syntax Code Writing in Statistical Software It is clear that conducting an analysis of quantitative data using the IBM SPSS software package often requires performing numerous operations so as to compute the statistics for the given data, produce various types of data representation such as histograms, graphs, and scatter plots, conduct transformations of the data,…