Category: Software

  • Software Development and Evaluation

    Software Development and Evaluation Table of Contents Developing Software for an Organization Software Development Matrix Evaluation of Software Maintenance Software Maintenance Plan References Developing Software for an Organization In the software engineering field, experts define software development methodologies as those processes that divide the work of software development into sequential, parallel, or smaller sub-processes or…

  • Information System Hardware and Software

    Information System Hardware and Software Outline Information technology involves a wide range of operations where computer software as well as hardware is utilized. A number of new devices have been produced lately and are available in computer shops displays. A visit to one of the computer shops provided a good opportunity during which some of…

  • AutoCAD Softwares Benefits and Disadvantages

    AutoCAD Softwares Benefits and Disadvantages Historically, the creation of precise blueprints and designs has been the topical objective of engineers and architects. However, prior to the present day, they had to perform such tasks manually, which increased their duration, as well as the cost of mistakes in the process. Today, advanced digital solutions exist, allowing…

  • The Best Presentation Software

    The Best Presentation Software Almost every person in their life comes across the need to make a presentation. Although when the matter concerns the presentation software, PowerPoint is the first thing that comes to mind for most users, there are many available and free analogs. To date, such applications as Google Slides, Canva, and Prezi…

  • The Principle of Software-Defined Networking and Intent-Based Networking

    The Principle of Software-Defined Networking and Intent-Based Networking Introduction The concept of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is closely linked with the idea of virtualization in networking. SDN is a relatively new framework that was developed in the early 2010s. The main purpose of SDN is to transfer the digital network workloads from hardware to software (Robertazzi,…

  • Program Code in Assembly Language Using Easy68K Software

    Program Code in Assembly Language Using Easy68K Software Introduction The basic concept of a microprocessor is a component hardware referred to as the central processing unit (CPU) that executes data and instructions in a logical sequence of computations in the CPU through instructions written in an assembly programming language recognizable by the CPU. Assembly language…

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Software Suites

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Software Suites Table of Contents Software Suites Advantages of Using Software Suites Disadvantages of Using Software Suites Works Cited Software Suites Computer software refers to programs that direct the activities of the computer systems. These programs are written by programmers who use specific programming languages to generate instructions that the computer…

  • Software Testing: Manual and Automated Web-Application Testing Tools

    Software Testing: Manual and Automated Web-Application Testing Tools Introduction The purpose of the software testing process is to distinguish all the imperfections existing in software design (Bahl, 2015, p. 316). It is the way toward practicing and assessing a framework or framework segments by manual or programmed technique to confirm that it fulfills determined necessities…

  • Syntax Code Writing in Statistical Software

    Syntax Code Writing in Statistical Software It is clear that conducting an analysis of quantitative data using the IBM SPSS software package often requires performing numerous operations so as to compute the statistics for the given data, produce various types of data representation such as histograms, graphs, and scatter plots, conduct transformations of the data,…

  • Data Coding in Statistical Software

    Data Coding in Statistical Software Data coding is of paramount importance if a proper analysis of this data is to be carried out. In particular, data coding plays a critical role when it is needed to use statistical software in order to process the data. Because of this, it is crucial to properly code the…