Category: Socrates

  • Athens Executed Socrates: Two Axial Symbols at Odds

    Athens Executed Socrates: Two Axial Symbols at Odds In Don Nardos The Trial of Socrates, Socrates is quoted as stating, We should not be concerned about winning fame or political honors, but rather should try to gain more intelligence, to arrive at more knowledge of truth, and to develop finer character. His devotion to virtue…

  • The Portrayal of Socrates’ Beliefs in The Apology and Clouds

    The Portrayal of Socrates’ Beliefs in The Apology and Clouds In the Apology and in Clouds, we are shown two very different depictions of Socrates beliefs on the gods of Athens. In the Apology, we see a version of Socrates that is fairly unconcerned with the discussion of the gods, and more interested in the…

  • The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living: Argumentative Essay

    The Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living: Argumentative Essay Socrates is a greek philosopher and he once said that ‘An unexamined life is not worth living’. It means that we must examine our lives and we must choose a good life for ourselves through self-awareness thus it’s worth living. He also said that ‘Knowledge is…

  • Socrates Essay

    Socrates Essay Introduction Socrates, the enigmatic philosopher of ancient Athens, remains an enduring symbol of wisdom, virtue, and intellectual inquiry. Born in 469 BCE, his profound impact on Western thought and philosophy has left an indelible mark on history. This essay explores the life, ideas, and enduring contributions of Socrates, delving into his philosophical concepts,…

  • Can Virtue Be Taught: Persuasive Essay

    Can Virtue Be Taught: Persuasive Essay Throughout the Socratic dialogue Protagoras, the sophist Protagoras argues that being virtuous can be taught. Protagoras argues that excellence can be taught, as it is an example of citizenship. He claims that I am a sophist and I educate people, most particularly how to teach students to be excellent…

  • Socrates’ Position on the Good Life: Essay

    Socrates’ Position on the Good Life: Essay Plato’s ‘The Apology’ is a dialogue that provides Plato’s version of a speech given by Socrates to defend himself against the charges of corrupting the youth and impiety, charges that Socrates ultimately was convicted of and sentenced to death. This dialogue contains one of the most frequently cited…

  • The Justification Of Socrates Death In The Works Socrates Against Athens And Socrates

    The Justification Of Socrates Death In The Works Socrates Against Athens And Socrates The focus of the investigation presented queries; to what extent was Socratess death justified due to his involvement in the radical democracy of Ancient Greece? Thus, Socrates against Athens, written by Colaiaco and analytically interpreted by Smith and Socrates, written and edited…