Category: Sociological Perspectives

  • Structuralism Concept in Philosophy

    Structuralism Concept in Philosophy Background Identifying the Main Theorists in the Field While analyzing the theory, it is imperative to highlight the difference between structuralism tendencies presented in American and the ones developed in Europe. The latter is associated with the study of structural linguistics by Ferdinand de Saussure who focuses more on synchronic linguistics.…

  • Sociology: Why Symbolic Interactionism?

    Sociology: Why Symbolic Interactionism? Sociology is among the most interesting and appealing scientific disciplines in the multitude of humanities. It is because sociology is the systematic and scientific study of society and social interaction (Conerly et al., 2022, para. 1). These are two phenomena in which every individual in the world is involved. The study…

  • Symbolic Interactionism and Siblings

    Symbolic Interactionism and Siblings Table of Contents Introduction Incorporating Symbolic Interactionism and Siblings Conclusion References Introduction Human beings are social in nature and embrace relationships depending on their personal goals. Symbolic interactionism is a powerful theory that examines the nature of such connections between people in a specific community. They will apply the relevant symbols…

  • Standpoint Theory and Sociological Perspectives

    Standpoint Theory and Sociological Perspectives Standpoint theory is regarded as a feminist theoretical perspective which argues that social position is the source of knowledge. The theory denies the idea that traditional science is objective, suggesting that theory and research have marginalized women and thinking among feminists. The standpoint theory is a critical concept considering that…