Category: Socialism

  • How Central Planning in Socialism Can Lead to Authoritarianism

    How Central Planning in Socialism Can Lead to Authoritarianism Friedrich August von Hayek, was profoundly known by most of the individuals who took interest in classical liberalism in the early 20th century as an economist, but he was also considered a competent philosopher and also a political thinker due to his books that he wrote.…

  • Ideal Society in Animal Farm

    Ideal Society in Animal Farm Starting the story with old major who convinces his fellow animals to rebel against their human master. They set up an ideal society in which all animals are equal, and all work for the benefit of each other. The pigs take a leadership position, even though technically all the animals…

  • Discussion of Whether Bernie Sanders is a Socialist

    Discussion of Whether Bernie Sanders is a Socialist In his State of the Union Address, President Trump rebuked socialism, Socialism destroys nations. But always remember: Freedom unifies the soul. Why does socialism have such a bad connotation to it? Using the word socialism in a historical, Soviet-Union, Red-Scare context, President Trump, and many people, generalized…

  • Critical Essay on Revisionist Socialism

    Critical Essay on Revisionist Socialism What is Social Democracy? Social democracy is a political ideology that originally advocated a peaceful evolutionary transition of society from capitalism to socialism using established political processes. In the second half of the 20th century, there emerged a more moderate version of the doctrine, which generally espoused state regulation, rather…

  • Critical Essay on Democratic Socialism: Pros and Cons

    Critical Essay on Democratic Socialism: Pros and Cons To guarantee the basic needs of all people are being met, it is easy to see a lack of government intervention and capitalist economies fail to ensure it. While it sustains a society focused on individuality, it is evident that capitalist economies let their citizens down. Democratic…

  • Informative Essay on Socialism and Industrial Revolution

    Informative Essay on Socialism and Industrial Revolution Capitalism, socialism, and imperialism are all government systems that have been utilized by countries of Western society for over two centuries. Since these practices were enforced, Western society as a whole has changed indefinitely. In each of these systems, there were pros and cons involved, for instance, in…