Category: Socialism

  • Anarchism vs. Socialism

    Anarchism vs. Socialism Governing ideologies represent a combination of ethical principles, ideals, doctrines, and symbols that would explain how society should work and be controlled. It is primarily concerned with how the government would be allocated, and to what ends it should influence a society. Because of the variety of influences from cultural, religious, and…

  • Marxist Means for Achieving Socialism

    Marxist Means for Achieving Socialism There are various definitions and assertions as to what constituted the transition period. According to Marx, the transition period was a time when the means of production was brought into common ownership by the working class using the power of the state. In other words, it was a period when…

  • Marxist Means for Achieving Socialism

    Marxist Means for Achieving Socialism There are various definitions and assertions as to what constituted the transition period. According to Marx, the transition period was a time when the means of production was brought into common ownership by the working class using the power of the state. In other words, it was a period when…

  • The Fate of Humanity: Exterminism vs. Socialism

    The Fate of Humanity: Exterminism vs. Socialism Humans have always thought about the future. Some think of a utopia when they imagine the future, others a dystopia. Some people dream of the day when they would not have to work anymore and would have everything that they could ever want at the touch of a…

  • The Achievement of Socialism in One Country Through Collectivisation

    The Achievement of Socialism in One Country Through Collectivisation Collectivisation was an essential economic component of Stalins Great Turn and the success of Socialism in One Country, aiming to increase production efficiency to support heavy industrialisation while moving towards a more Marxist society. However, the degree to which this can be considered successful may be…

  • Why I Am a Supporter of Socialism

    Why I Am a Supporter of Socialism Political ideology is a fixed or settled set of ethical ideas, principles or foundation for a system, doctrines about the political, economic, social and cultural affairs held by the people and explains how the society should work on, how to allocate power and on what extent it should…

  • Comparison of Free Enterprise and Communism

    Comparison of Free Enterprise and Communism Lets start by introducing capitalism; capitalism supports the idea of private property, believes society can do better when an individual is able to purchase and produce as they please. On the other hand, socialism is the theory that property ownership should be controlled by government, and that the government…

  • Understanding National Socialism Through Totalitarianism and Fascism

    Understanding National Socialism Through Totalitarianism and Fascism 20th Century was a new era in the world history and it was an era that differs in many aspects from other centuries by including two major wars (WW1 and WW2) and Great Depression. The modernization movement and industrialization which came with the Enlightenment Era in the 18th…

  • The Relationship Between Mary Poppins, Socialism and Feminism

    The Relationship Between Mary Poppins, Socialism and Feminism In the following essay it will be explored the lengths women had to go through in order to rise their role in the social, political and economical life so that they could obtain or try to reach a similar status as men; the reason why women feel…

  • In Defense of Democratic Socialism

    In Defense of Democratic Socialism I stand on the left side of the political spectrum so I am attracted to a more liberal political philosophy, whereby the primary emphasis was placed on limiting governmental involvement in all aspects of society. However, as I have gotten to know the world more, I have started to see…