Category: Six Sigma

  • The Effect of the Digital Era on the Implementation of Lean Six Sigma

    The Effect of the Digital Era on the Implementation of Lean Six Sigma Abstract The papers primary purpose is to demonstrate the impact of the digital era on the implementation of Lean Six Sigma. Moreover, it aims at defining the concepts of Lean Six Sigma and Industry 4.0 by raising the preliminary research question How…

  • Lean Six Sigma Implementation and the Digital Era

    Lean Six Sigma Implementation and the Digital Era Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Literature Review Research Method The Latest Development The Impact of Digitalisation on the Six Sigma Implementation Lessons Learned Conclusion References Abstract Digitalization and the rapid development of emerging technologies have undoubtedly influenced numerous industries throughout the world. The recent studies in this…

  • Six Sigma Methodology Deployment

    Six Sigma Methodology Deployment The article Deployment of Six Sigma Methodology to Reduce Complications in Intravitreal Injections reveals how Six Sigma principles can be utilized in the modern healthcare delivery setting. According to the authors, this quality improvement method was initially used in manufacturing processes, but now it has more spheres for use such as…

  • DMAIC (Six Sigma) Model at Phone System Inc.

    DMAIC (Six Sigma) Model at Phone System Inc. Defining Problem Statement Phone System Inc. must increase profitability, employee diversification, and job satisfaction by expanding operations to new markets where labor costs are potentially cheap and technologically oriented customers are readily available. Hence, the closure of one of the operating sites is necessary to pursue the…