Category: Shopping

  • Online And Offline Shopping

    Online And Offline Shopping Abstract We test the hypothesis that in the University of Adelaide College, consumers tend to online than offline shopping. We investigated 50 examiners about their gender, age, preferences and supporting reasons for their choices. Introduction With the advent of technology era, the Internet has penetrated into almost every nook of daily…

  • Online Shopping Vs in Store Shopping Essay

    Online Shopping Vs in Store Shopping Essay The modern life has become more and more convenient with the internet usage. It does not only provides humans more opportunities with means of communications, but also the platforms of business. Some people find it more preferable to shop online while some fancies to shop at the real…

  • Shopping At Walmart vs. Shopping At Local Stores

    Shopping At Walmart vs. Shopping At Local Stores Some shoppers have a love-hate relationship with Walmart. Costs are matched, but the large retailer consistently receives low marks in consumer satisfaction studies (hate ) . And However, 265 million shoppers worldwide even see its shops every week, then Walmart must be doing something good. If, like…