Category: Sciences 2502

  • Astronomy: Planets and Solar System

    Astronomy: Planets and Solar System Table of Contents The stellar nebula theory Terrestrial Planets of Earth, Mercury, Venus and Mars Jovian Planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune Asteroids, Meteors, and Comets Works Cited This reflective treatise attempts to explain the stellar nebular theory and evidence to support the same. Besides, the paper explores the…

  • The Milky Way and the Expanding Universe

    The Milky Way and the Expanding Universe A spiral galaxy is one of three types of galaxies studied and documented by Edwin Hubble. Spiral galaxies are apparently the most common in the universe and have a characteristic spiral contour; that is also the characteristic feature referred to in their name. The spiral shape is usually…

  • Wild Animals of the United States of America

    Wild Animals of the United States of America Table of Contents Introduction Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) Black and Yellow Garden Spider (Argiope aurantia) Northern Copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix mokasen) American Bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana) Works Cited Introduction Wildlife is always deemed to be of great significance economically, ecologically, environmentally as well as culturally.…

  • Natural History of Peace by Robert Sapolsky

    Natural History of Peace by Robert Sapolsky According to Robert M. Sapolsky, human beings feel that they are unique, unlike other species. This has been questioned by studies that have been done on other primates. Theodosius Dobzhansky, an evolutionary biologist, viewed that all species are unique. According to him, humans are unique; thus, they feel…

  • Mathematical Induction: Origin, Key People and Usage

    Mathematical Induction: Origin, Key People and Usage Mathematical induction is traditionally defined as a mathematical method, or a type of a mathematical proof, which is used when the necessity to prove that in the following expression: (fg) = fg + fg, for every integer n >= 1, the derivative of f(x) = xn is f'(x)…

  • Anthropological Problems: Origin of Human Beings

    Anthropological Problems: Origin of Human Beings The article Our True Dawn by Catherine Brahic describes the challenges that appear to modern scientists while trying to trace our relatives. The author also describes the difference in methods used by scientists. For geneticists to determine the period of splitting humans from apes means to specify exactly the…

  • America and Germany Comparison

    America and Germany Comparison This paper is aimed at comparing such countries as the United States and Germany. In particularly, it is necessary to focus on such aspects as employment, education, and medical insurance. This discussion of these aspects is important for understanding the policies of the governments and the experiences of many people living…

  • Slow Pace of Solar Installation in India

    Slow Pace of Solar Installation in India The Indian solar installation program has slowed down year-after-year according to Mercom Capital Group. The consultancy and communication firm had predicted the installations to reach 1,000 MW by the end of this year. Between 2012 and 2013, solar installations in India increased by 12 MW; so elusive was…

  • The Book How to Lie With The Statistics by Darrell Huff

    The Book How to Lie With The Statistics by Darrell Huff The book under analysis is called How to Lie with the Statistics. It is written by Darrel Huff. This book is not his work first work. There were also Career Story of a Young Commercial Photographer and The Dog that Came True. However, only…

  • Formation and Weathering of Rocks

    Formation and Weathering of Rocks In the process of lithification, sedimentary rocks are traditionally formed, according to Lutgens and Tarbuck (58). As a rule, the process of lithification presupposes that sediments should remain under pressure; the sediments expel the so-called connate fluids in the process and finally turn into sediment rock. The difference between a…