Category: Rousseau

  • The Idea Of Autonomy In Rousseau And Nietzsche

    The Idea Of Autonomy In Rousseau And Nietzsche Rousseau and Nietzsche are both prominent figures of modern Western political philosophy, even though they lived over one hundred years apart from one another. In this essay I will try to compare and contrast the idea of autonomy in Rousseaus and Nietzsches political theories through their discussion…

  • Historical Complexity Behind Writings Of Rousseau And Locke

    Historical Complexity Behind Writings Of Rousseau And Locke Introduction Immanuel Kant answered the question of what is enlightenment. He said: ‘It is the departure of human from the stage of mental failure and reaching the age of maturity or age of majority.’ (2009). The Enlightenment was a broad political, social, cultural and philosophical movement that…

  • Analytical Essay on Social Contract Theory: Ideas of Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke

    Analytical Essay on Social Contract Theory: Ideas of Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke We the people& is a phrase from the United States Constitution that represents the embodiment of social contract principle born out of the Enlightenment age by Thomas Hobbes, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and John Locke. Social Contract Theory has had massive influence…

  • The Effectiveness And Limitations Of Social Contracts In Rousseau’s Works

    The Effectiveness And Limitations Of Social Contracts In Rousseau’s Works My goal in this article is to examine whether the ideal political society proposed in Jean- Jacques Rousseaus book successfully resolve the problems of three types of the dependence identified in his book. To examine the effectiveness and the limitations of Social Contract in regard…

  • How Did Rousseau Theory Influence Equality And Democracy Today?

    How Did Rousseau Theory Influence Equality And Democracy Today? Before start answering this question we need to know who was Jean Jacques Rousseau and the meaning of equality and democracy. Jean Jacques Rousseau was a Swiss philosopher known because of one of his works called general will, which is a theory collectively held will that…

  • Similarities Between Hobbes and Rousseau

    Similarities Between Hobbes and Rousseau Introduction to Political Philosophies of Hobbes and Rousseau Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries emergence of various works on political philosophy emerged, giving current political scholars a meaningful and rational foundation on politics and society. Various works have constructed a core knowledge and have influenced how we view the world…

  • Life, Works, And Contributions Of Rousseau

    Life, Works, And Contributions Of Rousseau Jean- Jacques Rousseau a Genevan philosopher of 18th century who influenced the Enlightenment era of Europe and French revolution. Was he a revolutionary philosopher or a man that just wanted to became well known and successful? In this paper, I will refute Rousseaus argument against Natural State being ideal…