Category: Revolution

  • Scientific, Industrial, and Technological Revolution

    Scientific, Industrial, and Technological Revolution Introduction Many people try to describe the changes we are currently experiencing as different kinds of revolutions. Arising out of this, we got used to believe that revolution is to be connected with a rapid change of political systems where a country transfers from one state to another. However, revolutions…

  • Revolution Strategy and Tactics

    Revolution Strategy and Tactics Table of Contents Introduction Organization and Bases Recruitment Strategies Avoiding Informants Greatest Risk-Takers Effective Tactics Conclusion Works Cited Introduction In the scenario presented for this essay, the author is an advisor to a revolutionary movement. It is based in a country ruled by a dictator, and the rebels have already attempted…

  • Egyptian Revolution: Macrosociological Perspective

    Egyptian Revolution: Macrosociological Perspective The protests and subsequent ousting of the then President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak are what has emerged to be called the Egyptian Revolution. Civil resistance, non-violent disobedience, and labor strikes characterized the revolution. People from different social and economic backgrounds took part in the demonstrations. It began by calling for people…

  • Black Revolution: Fundamentals and the Role of Women

    Black Revolution: Fundamentals and the Role of Women There have been many different events that changed the course of the history of the United States, among which is the Black Revolution. Moreover, it had important consequences traceable from the past to modern times. During the Black Revolution, the rights of African Americans and their attitude…

  • The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Book by Thomas Kuhn

    The Structure of Scientific Revolutions Book by Thomas Kuhn Table of Contents Basic Knowledge Metaphor and Argument Relevance Works Cited Basic Knowledge Three distinctive ways in which the book advances my knowledge of the rhetoric and philosophy of communication are the reflection on ones learning journey, rhetoric interpretations, and comparative rhetoric. The book arguably begins…

  • Intimacy Implications and Sexual Revolution

    Intimacy Implications and Sexual Revolution Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Global changes in peoples sexual behavior, called the sexual revolution, have been taking place in the world since the middle of the last century. In a number of countries, this process continues to the present day. The essence of the sexual…

  • The Roaring Twenties: The Sexual Revolution as a Reflection of a Broader Change in Society

    The Roaring Twenties: The Sexual Revolution as a Reflection of a Broader Change in Society Table of Contents Introduction The Sexual Revolution Understanding and Assessing the 1920s Conclusion Works Cited Introduction The 1920s, also known as the Roaring Twenties, are regarded as years of profound changes in US society, particularly concerning the sexual behaviors among…

  • The Age of Revolutions and the Modern World

    The Age of Revolutions and the Modern World Table of Contents Introduction Historiography Summarizing the Revolutions The Consequences of The Age of Revolutions Conclusion References Introduction The Age of Revolutions is most often dated 1775-1848 and is defined as a period of rapid evolutionary change from empires (monarchies) to constitutional republics in various parts of…

  • Sugar Revolution in the Caribbean in the 18th Century

    Sugar Revolution in the Caribbean in the 18th Century Table of Contents Introduction The sugar proliferation Sugar plantation and the slavery trade Demographic effects The impacts of sugar revolution on the Haiti revolution Conclusion Works cited Introduction The Caribbean region is located southeast of North America and the Gulf of Mexico. It is in the…

  • Georges Seurats Revolution in Neo-Impressionism

    Georges Seurats Revolution in Neo-Impressionism Table of Contents Introduction Georges Ideology Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte Bathers at Asnières Young Woman Powdering Herself Works Cited Introduction Georges Seurat is recognized as the pioneer of the Neo-Impressionist strategy, generally known as Divisionism, or Pointillism, an approach related to a flashing surface of…