Category: Reputation

  • The Value In A Reputation In Who Owns The Ice House?

    The Value In A Reputation In Who Owns The Ice House? In the book, Who Owns the Ice House? authors Clifton Taulbert and Gary Schoeniger discuss eight powerful life lessons derived from an unknown entrepreneur named Cleve Mormon. Growing up in the 1950s, Taulbert had the opportunity to work for his Uncle Cleve at the…

  • Preservation Of Reputation In The Play The Crucible

    Preservation Of Reputation In The Play The Crucible People worry about their reputation all time. People worry that their reputation is in jeopardy. There were so many people that were worrying about their reputation not the act The Crucible. There are many examples of this. There was John Proctor when he was accused of being…

  • What Is Reputation Economy?

    What Is Reputation Economy? According to Forbes Magazine, a reputation economy is a marketplace where brands or professionals are treated like products and are rated, commented on, and judged based on reputation. (Schawbel, Dan). If a brand creates positive interactions, it will open opportunities, whereas a negative brand will diminish its reputation in the marketplace.…

  • The Ruined Reputation In The Book Speak

    The Ruined Reputation In The Book Speak In the book Speak, by Laurie Anderson, main character Melinda enters highschool with her reputation ruined. Reputation, image and impression is used in everyday situations affecting social status, self esteem, and professional freedom. How an individual presents themselves through past or present actions is reflected by interactions with…

  • The Ways Character Melinda Stands Firm For Her Reputation In The Book Speak

    The Ways Character Melinda Stands Firm For Her Reputation In The Book Speak In the book Speak by Laurie Anderson, Melindas reputation ruined. Reputation, image, and impression are used in everyday situations affecting social status, self-esteem, and professional freedom. In the book, she loses her social position because of her past and present actions. Reputation…

  • The Role Of Reputation In The Crucible

    The Role Of Reputation In The Crucible Introduction to Reputation in The Crucible Most people have developed a reputation for themselves in one way or another during their lives. The desire to protect ones reputation is an extremely prominent theme in The Crucible. This play takes place in a Puritan society in Salem, where the…

  • Preserving One’s Reputation In The Crucible

    Preserving One’s Reputation In The Crucible Artur Miller writes the play, The Crucible, which describes the events of the 1960s Salem witch hunt. However, he writes theses events as an allegory to the 1950s witch hunt in America against the communist party. The characters in the play portray different types of people during the 1950s.…

  • Is Reputation An Important Issue For Business To Consider In The 21st Century?

    Is Reputation An Important Issue For Business To Consider In The 21st Century? Reputation is an important issue for business in the 21st century. Reputation is considered much more important nowadays when compared to any given point of time in human business history. In this essay, first, I will start by defining the business reputation.…

  • Why Reputation Is An Important Issue For Business To Consider

    Why Reputation Is An Important Issue For Business To Consider Introduction Reputation is an important issue for business in the 21st century. In fact, reputation is considered much more important nowadays when compare to any given point of time in the human business history. This essay begins by defining the business reputation, then review the…

  • The Role Of Reputation In The Things Fall Apart

    The Role Of Reputation In The Things Fall Apart Reputation and respect in Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe play a substantial role in the main character and protagonist of the novel, Okonkwo, actions and dictates how the people in Umuofia are seen. If a mans status doesnt meet the requirement set by society, one…