Category: Recession

  • Job Opportunities in Sectors and a Beyond Recession

    Job Opportunities in Sectors and a Beyond Recession Introduction Entrepreneurship is defined as the practice of starting a new business venture or renewing an already existing business based on new opportunities and ideas. It entails taking risks, being resourceful and venturing into the unknown business fields. This makes it to be associated with uncertainty (Shukla,…

  • Government Role in Fiscal Policy and Recession

    Government Role in Fiscal Policy and Recession Table of Contents Responsibility of Crisis Monetary Policy Relationship to Fiscal Policy Authoritative Policy Making Bodies Limited to Persuasion Is the Fed an Independent Body? References Responsibility of Crisis A number of factors may have triggered the 2008 financial crisis. But the factor that stands out the most…

  • Competitive Strategies for UK Banks After Recession

    Competitive Strategies for UK Banks After Recession The economy of any country is largely influenced by the banking sector due to the significant roles they play in the financial markets. The level of profitability and revenue margin of UK banks was greatly affected by recession that started towards the close of 2007. Due to the…

  • 2008 Great Recession, Unemployment and Stagnation

    2008 Great Recession, Unemployment and Stagnation Table of Contents Introduction Manifesto for Economic Sense A Structural Stagnation Policy Dilemma Inequality and Unemployment Government Spending Works Cited Introduction This paper is looking into the case of the financial crisis, which results in an economic recession and the further sustained and recovery effects with the main references…

  • The United States of America: Recession and Economic Stimulus

    The United States of America: Recession and Economic Stimulus Table of Contents Introduction Recession Reasons for the occurrence of recession Business cycles Factors for expansion to occur Opinion on President Obamas stimulus package Effects on the economy Conclusion References Introduction This research paper will begin by defining recession in the context of macroeconomic and thus…

  • Economic Recession Alleviation Strategies

    Economic Recession Alleviation Strategies Table of Contents Introduction Why is the crisis enduring? Inequality and Unemployment Unemployment as a perennial problem Public Spending and Growth Works Cited Introduction A general understanding of macroeconomics shows that recession occurs when the business cycle of an economy contract. During the recession, there is a fall in GDP growth,…

  • History of the Great Recession

    History of the Great Recession The Great Recession The great recession started in December 2007 and ended in June 2009. The recession started when the 8 trillion housing bubble tumbled1. There was lots of wealth loss that reduced consumer spending. There was financial chaos due to reduced consumption and the business investments collapsed. Due to…

  • Analysis of the Great Recession

    Analysis of the Great Recession The first post-war most prolonged recession occurred in December of 2007 and came to an end only in June of 2009 and received the name of the Great Recession. Apart from its continuance, the Great Recession was ponderous in many aspects. The global crisis led all the financial markets and…

  • US Economy and the Global Recession

    US Economy and the Global Recession Table of Contents Introduction The US economic crisis and global recession Conclusion References Introduction The world is currently grappling with an economic recession that started in the US after the housing crisis. The paper shall look at how financialization, leverage of banks, securitization of mortgages, and toxic assets could…

  • Attitudes Towards Economys Recession

    Attitudes Towards Economys Recession Table of Contents Introduction Analysis Conclusion Work Cited Introduction The United States is experiencing one of the worst economic crises in a century and Americans have lost their sense of hope. Companies are closing, people are losing their jobs, the people are scared about the future, banks are not lending, the…