Category: Profession

  • Big Data: IT Profession

    Big Data: IT Profession Table of Contents Introduction Attributes of big data User perspectives Conclusion References Introduction My opinion is that big data is not an appropriate term for IT professionals to use to describe different forms of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data sets that are generated, captured, stored. Big data is defined as data…

  • Big Data: IT Profession

    Big Data: IT Profession Table of Contents Introduction Attributes of big data User perspectives Conclusion References Introduction My opinion is that big data is not an appropriate term for IT professionals to use to describe different forms of structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data sets that are generated, captured, stored. Big data is defined as data…

  • An Overview of the Social Service Worker Profession

    An Overview of the Social Service Worker Profession Table of Contents Job Knowledge Interpersonal Self-awareness Practice Skills Integration of Knowledge and Practice Personal view References Job Knowledge The position of a social service worker is highly demanding in terms of job knowledge. As far as this category is concerned, I have chosen group assessment as…

  • Violence in the Humanitarian Professions  Patient Violence Management

    Violence in the Humanitarian Professions  Patient Violence Management The health care profession and other humanitarian services are focused on providing the best healthcare and treatment to the patients. But violence and abusive treatment of medical professionals has been growing in the recent years. The most current goal is to better the safety even more…

  • Womans Identity: Professions for Women and The Unrepentant Whore

    Womans Identity: Professions for Women and The Unrepentant Whore Michael Harris and Virginia Woolf both presented the difficulties and dangers that women faced daily while working with men. The authors describe two different occupation fields: Harris is focused on sex workers and Woolf on writers. Even though the settings in the articles are not identical,…

  • Female Firefighters in Male-Dominated Profession

    Female Firefighters in Male-Dominated Profession Professional activity is one of the critical components of human life, due to which one develops as an individual, obtaining material and psychological means for existence. For many centuries, gender indicators significantly influenced career choices. Women had to demonstrate their strength, endurance, and courage in order to prove that they…

  • The Issue of Micro-Macro Divide in the Social Work Profession

    The Issue of Micro-Macro Divide in the Social Work Profession The social work profession is dichotomized by micro and macro practices that aim to promote social equality, eliminate all kinds of disparities, and increase peoples quality of life. Nowadays, critics claim they see a tremendous incline in social work practice towards micro therapeutic interventions with…

  • Is Social Worker a Profession?

    Is Social Worker a Profession? Social work is a significant activity in society as it aims at providing assistance to those in need, promoting better living conditions, and improving the social environment. It is a relevant topic for discourse these days because many people are involved in social practices; however, the dispute appears if this…

  • Is Social Work a Profession? by Abraham Flexner

    Is Social Work a Profession? by Abraham Flexner Abraham Flexners article Is Social Work a Profession opens the authors view on the essence of social work and its compatibility with the concepts of profession and professionalism. While his vision can be misinterpreted, it is worth noting that the article significantly impacts social work development. The…

  • Social Work as a Profession

    Social Work as a Profession Table of Contents Introduction Crisis Theory Social work ethics Approaches to Problem solving Reference Introduction Social work is a social science that deals in ensuring social justice and preserving the sanctity of life. It is a profession that deals in restoring emotional balance in human beings that becomes impaired during…