Category: Prejudice

  • Vincent Parillo Causes of Prejudice: Key Ideas

    Vincent Parillo Causes of Prejudice: Key Ideas Throughout the world, human equality has always been a problem. Stereotypes, discrimination, and prejudice have become intergenerational, and society has accepted these forms of behaviors as satisfactory and usual. Based on the article Causes of Prejudice, Vincent N. Parrillo argues that prejudice appears in two forms, either sociological…

  • Prejudice as a Learned Behavior

    Prejudice as a Learned Behavior Introduction Prejudice is an intrinsic part of society as all people form different opinions about themselves, others, and various social phenomena. It can be defined as an attitude and a preconceived negative judgment of a group and its individual members (Myers & Twenge, 2018, p. 238). There is a debate…

  • Discussion of Prejudice: A Learned Behavior

    Discussion of Prejudice: A Learned Behavior Table of Contents Introduction Biblical Worldview Integration Prejudice in the Bible: The Concept of Judgement The Notion of Acceptance in Religion Prejudice is a Learned Behavior Conclusion References Introduction Prejudice is a social phenomenon as humans are the only species that exhibit this behavior. It is a range of…

  • Age in the Modern Society: Fighting Social Prejudices

    Age in the Modern Society: Fighting Social Prejudices Greeting Cars and Ageism With the recent focus on innovations and the rapid-fire nature of cultural changes, the perception of age has shifted significantly. While elderly people are still mostly seen as generally wise and experienced, age-based discrimination has started to permeate global society. The notion of…

  • Vaccine Hesitancy: Prejudices and Fears

    Vaccine Hesitancy: Prejudices and Fears Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion References Introduction Falling vaccination rates worry medical professionals in those countries where the number of cases of vaccine-preventable diseases grows steadily. According to data collected by UNICEF and WHO through July 2019, the Western Pacific Region and especially the Region of the Americas…

  • Age in the Modern Society: Fighting Social Prejudices

    Age in the Modern Society: Fighting Social Prejudices Greeting Cars and Ageism With the recent focus on innovations and the rapid-fire nature of cultural changes, the perception of age has shifted significantly. While elderly people are still mostly seen as generally wise and experienced, age-based discrimination has started to permeate global society. The notion of…

  • Taylor Swifts Battle with Prejudice

    Taylor Swifts Battle with Prejudice Taylor Swifts latest album Lover which was released in August earlier this year has seen critical acclaim across the board from publishers such as Vogue, Rolling Stones, and Forbes. It has been praised for its combination of catchy pop-synth tones and emotionally expressive lyrics which appear rather contemptuous in line…

  • Age in the Modern Society: Fighting Social Prejudices

    Age in the Modern Society: Fighting Social Prejudices Greeting Cars and Ageism With the recent focus on innovations and the rapid-fire nature of cultural changes, the perception of age has shifted significantly. While elderly people are still mostly seen as generally wise and experienced, age-based discrimination has started to permeate global society. The notion of…

  • Relationship Between Social Context, Attitudes and Prejudice

    Relationship Between Social Context, Attitudes and Prejudice Abstract Previous research on the dual process model portrayed that right wing authoritarianism (RWA) and Social dominance orientation scale (SDO) predict prejudice in an independent context. RWA is believed to be in relation to threatening worldviews and SDO to be related to competitive worldviews. This study manipulates dangerous…

  • Formation of Prejudices Among Schoolchildren

    Formation of Prejudices Among Schoolchildren Prejudice based on national, ethnic or religious grounds causes many conflicts among representatives of different communities. First of all, biases arise based on insufficient education of people regarding one or many regions, traditions, customs and beliefs of the people who live in this territory. Psychologically, to protect oneself from negative…