Category: Pregnancy

  • Teenage Pregnancy and Its Negative Outcomes

    Teenage Pregnancy and Its Negative Outcomes Teenage pregnancy or pregnancy at a very early stage is defined in different countries in different ways. For instance, in the United States, it is defined as an under-aged girl becoming pregnant, whereas, in the United Kingdom, there is a legal definition whereby a woman is considered to be…

  • Risk of Early Pregnancies among Latina Teens

    Risk of Early Pregnancies among Latina Teens What Experience, Situation, or Subculture Did the Researchers Seek to Understand? The researchers of A Latino Young Photovoice Project on Teen Pregnancy sought to understand the community of Pacific Northwest, namely  the tendencies leading to early pregnancies among Latina girls of teen age. The research explored the…

  • Latino Youth Teen Pregnancy

    Latino Youth Teen Pregnancy What experience, situation, or subculture did the researchers seek to understand? The purpose of this study was to analyze the problem of teen pregnancy among Latino girls. The researchers targeted girls below 20 years. The authors mainly focused on the Hispanic (Latino) culture. The study was critical towards analyzing how different…

  • The Issue of Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States

    The Issue of Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States Abstract The issue of adolescent pregnancy is of concern to the US policymakers because of its effects. It is considered an urgent issue in modern American society because a number of lives have been lost through illegal abortions and neglect. The major risks associated with adolescent…

  • Teen Pregnancy and Father Teens

    Teen Pregnancy and Father Teens Table of Contents Introduction Risk Factors Programs for Teen Fathers Teen Screening References Introduction Teen pregnancy is common in the United States as teens are increasingly having sex before 16. Notably, since the responsibility lies equally with teen mothers and teen fathers, there is a need to develop government programs…

  • A Latino Youth Photovoice Project on Teen Pregnancy

    A Latino Youth Photovoice Project on Teen Pregnancy Table of Contents Synopsis Experience, situation and subculture The goal of the researchers Data collection methods Biases and preconceptions control Proving the point: evidence used Key findings: teen pregnancy among young Latinos Conclusion Reference List Synopsis In the 21st century, the issue of teen pregnancy remains one…

  • Teenage Pregnancy and the Means to Address It: A Case Scenario

    Teenage Pregnancy and the Means to Address It: A Case Scenario The issue of teenage pregnancy is quite topical at present. Despite the fact that the awareness concerning the threats of teen pregnancy has been raised efficiently, the instances of teen pregnancy still occur, and, as a result, the rates of abortion among teens, as…

  • The Teenage Pregnancy Problem in the US

    The Teenage Pregnancy Problem in the US There is a big disparity between the rates of teen pregnancy in the United States of America and most parts of Europe and Canada. The main reason behind this trend is the American perceptions of morality and the hypocrisies behind it. America is a country where most policies…

  • The Arguments in Favor of Pregnancy Termination Decriminalization

    The Arguments in Favor of Pregnancy Termination Decriminalization The topic of abortion has been one of the most complex and controversial discussions of the modern era. Several appealing arguments have been presented from both opposing sides, but the ongoing debate is still far from reaching any form of real consensus on the matter. Partly the…

  • Teen Pregnancy: Effects on Teenagers

    Teen Pregnancy: Effects on Teenagers Teenage pregnancy is a major social and economic problem in most countries of the world. Menken (2018) asserts that around 16 million adolescents give birth each year, accounting for 11% of all births worldwide. Lack or defect in sex education, ignorance of sexual behavior, socio-economic problems, and other factors contribute…