Category: Planned Parenthood

  • Historical Overview of Planned Parenthood

    Historical Overview of Planned Parenthood The fierce political debate surrounding abortion in the United States boils down to a back-and-forth between politicians on each side of the spectrum, writing bills to support their agenda and subsequently fighting the oppositionthis can be said for attempts to both expand and reduce access to the medical procedure. At…

  • Workforce in Planned Parenthood: Descriptive Essay

    Workforce in Planned Parenthood: Descriptive Essay Since its inception, Planned Parenthood has always stood by its mission of Providing comprehensive reproductive and complementary health care services in settings which preserve and protect the essential privacy and rights of each individual (What is Planned Parenthood’s Mission Statement, 2019). On Planned Parenthoods visitor website exists a multitude…

  • Applying The Buying Center To Planned Parenthood

    Applying The Buying Center To Planned Parenthood I currently work for a non-profit organization, which is Planned Parenthood, they are the most trusted reproductive health care provider across the country. Planned Parenthood is a non-profit organization that provides reproductive health care for those that are insured or uninsured at a low affordable cost. They provide…

  • The History And Significance Of Planned Parenthood

    The History And Significance Of Planned Parenthood Introduction Planned Parenthood was founded on the idea that women should have the information and care they need to live strong, healthy lives and fulfill their dreams – no ceilings, no limits, thanks to Margaret Sanger (Parenthood P., n.d.-b, para.1). After the death of her mother, Sanger began…

  • Does Parenthood Increase Or Decrease Well-Being?

    Does Parenthood Increase Or Decrease Well-Being? BACKGROUND Being a parent is one of the sources of greatest joys in life while it is also the cause of some of the deepest sorrows. It is assumed that having children is the key to living a happy, meaningful life; on the other hand well-being of nonparents is…

  • Sexual Education and Planned Parenthood: Descriptive Essay

    Sexual Education and Planned Parenthood: Descriptive Essay Margaret Sangers first clinic handed out cervical caps. During World War I, many servicemen were diagnosed with venereal diseases. Due to this, the government responded by placing out an anti-venereal disease campaign. This changed contraception from a moral issue and began making it public health issue and research…

  • What You Should Know To Get Prepared For Parenthood

    What You Should Know To Get Prepared For Parenthood When a family welcomes a new life, they were excited, but they feel perplexed because they are not only taking care of the new baby, they are also adjusting themselves. Both mental and physical health suffer great changes. When couples experience changes in their roles, they…

  • The Benefits Of Planned Parenthood

    The Benefits Of Planned Parenthood In this paper I will discuss how Planned Parenthood has improve the lives of many women by providing a safety net for women’s health, being economically friendly, and promoting a decrease in the social stigma surrounding abortion. Safety Many women are victims of cohesion or abuse, maybe they feel pressure…

  • Essay on Planned Parenthood Pro-Choice Versus Pro-Life Debate

    Essay on Planned Parenthood Pro-Choice Versus Pro-Life Debate Planned Parenthood, established in 1916, was built on the belief that every woman should have access to the information and reproductive healthcare required to live a healthy life without limitations. In the present day, this non-profit organization is not only a healthcare provider, but also an educator,…

  • Historical Overview of Planned Parenthood

    Historical Overview of Planned Parenthood The fierce political debate surrounding abortion in the United States boils down to a back-and-forth between politicians on each side of the spectrum, writing bills to support their agenda and subsequently fighting the oppositionthis can be said for attempts to both expand and reduce access to the medical procedure. At…