Category: Peace

  • Is World Peace Obtainable?

    Is World Peace Obtainable? In times like these, imagine what the world would be like if everyone was in harmony. With all the differences between all nations and the people who inhabit it, it seems as if there will never be peace on earth. Although, many believe that it can be achieved through social, personal,…

  • Jodie Williams’ Meaning of World Peace and How We Can Achieve It: Speech Analysis

    Jodie Williams’ Meaning of World Peace and How We Can Achieve It: Speech Analysis For Jody Williams, the meaning of peace is that most people here in the world have adequate access to live, have adequate access to education and health needs. Not singing Kumbaya My Lord, not symbolize the dove and the rainbow is…

  • Positive Peace and Its Attaining in African States: Informative Essay

    Positive Peace and Its Attaining in African States: Informative Essay Peace has been the greatest aspiration of humankind at a personal level and in communities they reside. Peace has been talked, thought, taught and studied in numerous ways. For better understanding on status of negative and positive peace in African context, it is crucial to…

  • Should Non-State Actors Be Engaged in Peacebuilding: Persuasive Essay

    Should Non-State Actors Be Engaged in Peacebuilding: Persuasive Essay As time passes so too does human advancement in all areas. Wars and subsequently ending wars (peace) have also advanced throughout time. From fighting on horseback and making peace using marriage to fighting in cyberspace and making peace using treaties, humans have also advanced in peace…