Category: National Security

  • Privacy Vs. National Security: What’s More Important

    Privacy Vs. National Security: What’s More Important In my essay I am going to answer the question of what is more important our privacy or national security. Both sides of the argument are considered in the work. I am convinced that national security will constantly be more necessary than privacy as long because the government…

  • Is Torture Justified When It Used for National Security?

    Is Torture Justified When It Used for National Security? In considering whether torture is justified when used for national security, I will use several arguments in this essay. The first is that it is an unreliable source. Despite torture being repulsive and illegal, the technique is often used for gathering information which many people think…

  • Act of Terrorism Spaniards in Cuba Blew Up The Battleship Maine: Critical Essay

    Act of Terrorism Spaniards in Cuba Blew Up The Battleship Maine: Critical Essay History of the Spanish American War In February two events crystallized U.S. opinion in favor of Cuban independence. First, the Spanish minister in Washington, Enrique Dupuy de Lóme, wrote a letter critical of President McKinley that fell into the hands of the…

  • Domestic Terrorism: Definition Essay

    Domestic Terrorism: Definition Essay Domestic terrorism and international terrorism are the two main types of terrorism we deal with in the United States. Domestic terrorism is defined by the FBI as, violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social,…

  • Ethnonationalist Terrorism: Informative Essay

    Ethnonationalist Terrorism: Informative Essay For many right-wing terrorists, the key driver that motivates their cause is the fear of extinction of the so-called white race. Whether this be through the prospect of equality for black people within the United States that motivated the Klu Klux Klan (KKK), or the increasing presence of Muslims within Norweigan…

  • Samuel Huntington’s Thesis on Global Terrorism: Critical Analysis

    Samuel Huntington’s Thesis on Global Terrorism: Critical Analysis Introduction The concept of civilization may be defined as a collective group, embedded into history and as a cultural entity. Villages, regions, ethnic groups, nationalities, and religious groups, all have distinct cultures at different levels of cultural heterogeneity. The culture of a village in southern Italy may…

  • National Secrets Vs Public Disclosure Essay

    National Secrets Vs Public Disclosure Essay Introduction In today’s interconnected world, the tension between protecting national secrets and advocating for public disclosure has become a prominent issue. Governments and organizations face the challenge of striking a delicate balance between safeguarding sensitive information for national security reasons and ensuring transparency and accountability to the public. This…

  • Should TikTok Be Banned: Argumentative Essay

    Should TikTok Be Banned: Argumentative Essay TikTok is a free social media app that lets you watch, make, and share videos right from your phone often to a soundtrack of top music hits. It was initially available in the United States as but was rebranded in August 2018 when the two apps merged. TikTok…

  • Domestic Terrorism And Homegrown Extremism Origins In The United States

    Domestic Terrorism And Homegrown Extremism Origins In The United States Abstract Domestic terrorism and homegrown extremism have been rather poorly informed by our media since the 9/11 attacks against the United States. I believe that our own belief systems and apprehensions have led us and our government to really dividing our nations freedom and security…

  • Privacy Vs. National Security: What’s More Important

    Privacy Vs. National Security: What’s More Important In my essay I am going to answer the question of what is more important our privacy or national security. Both sides of the argument are considered in the work. I am convinced that national security will constantly be more necessary than privacy as long because the government…