Category: Modern Art

  • Modern Operating System: Concept and Design

    Modern Operating System: Concept and Design Table of Contents Introduction History of Linux Operating System The Components of Linux Operating system Linux Operating System and Security Linux and Network Support Linux and systems compatibility Potential Applications of Linux Competing Technologies Analysis and Conclusion Reference List Introduction Modern computers for general use have an operating system…

  • The Making of Modern Life: Art and Design in the Nineteenth Century

    The Making of Modern Life: Art and Design in the Nineteenth Century Introduction The expression of emotions and moods, as well as a call to the feelings of the viewer, are one of the essential tasks of visual art. A competent artist uses not only the plot of a picture but also drawing techniques as…

  • Photographys Effects on Modern Art

    Photographys Effects on Modern Art Since its invention, photography has been hailed by the masses as one of the best means of bringing the rest of the world to the public, affording them views of far-away places and peoples they would never have known about otherwise. The public appearance of the photographic process in 1839…

  • The Record Contemporary Art and Vinyl

    The Record Contemporary Art and Vinyl It is rather difficult to imagine any other nice and educative way to spend ones free time for a learner of art as visiting some wonderful exhibition. So, I decided to visit one of the very interesting exhibitions called The Record Contemporary Art and Vinyl in the Miami Art…

  • Modern Art Surrealists and Abstract

    Modern Art Surrealists and Abstract Surrealism brings out the art in its purest form and this is an advantage as the imaginations of the artist are candidly expressed rather than their rational thoughts. Freud in expressing his averments on Surrealism intimates that art under this direction is used to express the hidden or pressed feelings…

  • Modern Art History Based on Picasso and Cezanne

    Modern Art History Based on Picasso and Cezanne Barr, Alfred H. 1941. Modern Art Makes History, Too. College Art Journal 1 (1): 3-6. The reasoning on the relevance of art regarding its role during individual periods and the impact on the overall context of art history is the basis of the article by Barr (1941).…

  • Observer of Contemporary Art in Abu Dhabi

    Observer of Contemporary Art in Abu Dhabi Table of Contents Introduction Food Art Architecture Critical Analysis of Art Conclusion of the Critical Analysis References Introduction Every year photography as art becomes more and more widespread. As the old English proverb says, A picture is worth a thousand words. Images can be used in various contexts,…

  • Conceptualization of Modern Art

    Conceptualization of Modern Art Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction The art in the news is the method of attracting the public attention to this sphere. Journalists are focused on posting exclusively on scandals or exceptional cases related to art. For example, in Banksys work which shredder itself, the press found the fascinating…

  • Modern Art: Paintings and Representatives

    Modern Art: Paintings and Representatives Picasso, Les Demoiselles dAvignon Les Demoiselles dAvignon was created by Pablo Picasso in 1907 in Paris. The artwork depicts a group of nude young prostitutes staring at a viewer, therefore breaking the fourth wall (Picasso, Les Demoiselles DAvignon, n.d.). The painting is considered revolutionary because it symbolized the breakaway from…

  • Theory of Modern Art

    Theory of Modern Art Table of Contents Matisse- Notes of a painter Roger Fry  An Essay on Aesthetics Clive Bell: The Aesthetic Hypothesis Bibliography Matisse- Notes of a painter Matisse tries to expose the fact that art cannot be clearly expressed in its pictorial form, without essentially encompassing the artists thoughts (in its entirety).…