Category: Meno

  • Meno’: Summary



    Meno’: Summary One of the founding documents of Western philosophy, Platos Meno recounts a dialog on the nature of virtue between Socrates and his pupil Meno, a rising star among the leaders of ancient Greece. They discuss how virtue can be recognized, where it comes from, and whether it can be taught. Plato, Socratess most…

  • Essay on Philosophical Schools of Thought: Meno and Socrates



    Essay on Philosophical Schools of Thought: Meno and Socrates Classical Greece generated a variety of philosophical schools of thought, including the sophists and the physical, that influenced each other to some degree. The most famous to come from Classical Greece was Socrates and his dialectic approach to the question of the nature of things. Comparatively,…

  • Essay on Menos Paradox of Enquiry



    Essay on Menos Paradox of Enquiry The Meno dialogue is a shift from the previous interests of Plato and Socrates on virtues and their particular features: Euthyphro, to an epistemological inquiry of what is the essence of virtues and what can we learn about them. The dialogue starts with an ethical dispute between Socrates and…