Category: Media Ethics

  • Values of Social Media Ethics: Analytical Essay

    Values of Social Media Ethics: Analytical Essay Learning MIL is a must for everyone. It tells things that are and that are not to be done when it comes to media and information. Without studying MIL, it would be hard to know the things that one should do or avoid. Also, MIL makes one literate,…

  • Analysis of Media Ethics in Nigeria

    Analysis of Media Ethics in Nigeria This paper will appreciate the thesis about the issues involved in media ethics – and examine these issues from a social, professional, and cultural perspective, with an emphasis on media practice in Nigeria; However, before presenting the main arguments in favor of this thesis, I will have to deal…

  • Analysis of Issues Involved in Media Ethics

    Analysis of Issues Involved in Media Ethics Abstract The various and competitive nature of the media industry brings so many diverse people and ideas together that a need for standardization and normality must be applied. The media industry has faced a very big increase in recent times, which is very good, and here are some…

  • Concept of Media Ethics and Its Application in Nigerian Media Practice

    Concept of Media Ethics and Its Application in Nigerian Media Practice Introduction In this report, I plan to delve into the concept of media ethics, and its application in Nigerian media practice. After that, I would then proceed to place judgment on the level of ethical practices in Nigeria. Let me start by describing what…

  • Relevance of Communication and Media Ethics: Analytical Essay

    Relevance of Communication and Media Ethics: Analytical Essay Fake news is a social ill that comes thick and fast in the Philippines. Containing false and misleading information, fake news, categorized into two: misinformation and disinformation, can manipulate public opinion and can influence political outcomes. The former contains unintentional inaccurate information, which is in direct contrast…

  • Theory of Media Ethics: Critical Analysis

    Theory of Media Ethics: Critical Analysis Basic assumptions and postulations of the social responsibility theory This theory, considered a western theory incorporates a part of the libertarian principle and introduces some new elements as well. The underlying principle of the social responsibility theory of the press is that the press should be free to perform…