Category: Mars

  • The Dangers Of Mars Colonization



    The Dangers Of Mars Colonization Mars, the fourth planet, smallest, from the Sun. Mars is named following after the Roman god Aris, god of war. Mars has a reddish color so it is commonly called the  Red Planet Mars is made out of carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon, oxygen, water vapor, and other gases. The…

  • Human Settlement On Mars Opportunity



    Human Settlement On Mars Opportunity Going to Mars would be fun and all, but how would you feel leaving your whole entire life behind, and everyone you love. We are trying to populate Mars with humans by the year 2023 and a lot of people seem excited about it. But theres a lot more to…

  • Insect Life On Mars



    Insect Life On Mars Can life really exist anywhere else in the universe other than Earth? Does this presence of life prove the existence of aliens? Till now, Mars is the only planet which has shown some kind of signs of possibility of the existence of life on it. The research on this very topic…

  • The Technologies Used By NASA To Explore Mars



    The Technologies Used By NASA To Explore Mars Abstract 20th century, our life on other planets has drastically changed we see ourselves to proceed towards reaching different planets and hold the key to discovery life outside of earth. This research paper comprises the technologies that we ever imagined it comprise of rover that is main…

  • The Features Of Mars Global Surveyors



    The Features Of Mars Global Surveyors NASAs Jet Propulsion Laboratory developed a spacecraft Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) and launched on November 7, 1996 for studying Marss surface. It accomplished its primary mission on January 2001 and was continuing its third mission after extension. It was working perfect for 9 years, 52 days until a problem…

  • The Search For Evidence Of Life On Mars



    The Search For Evidence Of Life On Mars Introduction For many years now, people have theorized how and when all life on Earth can no longer be sustained. Whether it is the theory that Earth itself will explode or that the conditions on Earth will become too extreme to support life or any other of…

  • Intellectual Property Rights On Colonization Of Mars



    Intellectual Property Rights On Colonization Of Mars The Role of IP Laws in aiding Colonization of Mars The Intellectual Property Rights, as defined by the World Trade Organisation, means rights that a person has over creations of his mind. Thus, IP Laws ensure the protection of enforcement of these rights over ones ideas, inventions, designs…

  • The Role Of Key Biochemistry And Genetics-Related Processes Of Past Life On Mars



    The Role Of Key Biochemistry And Genetics-Related Processes Of Past Life On Mars The study of the various forms of biological evidence of past life on Mars, one of the smallest planets found in the Solar System, is an issue of controversy. Mars represents a dry desert-like environment with cold weather conditions which are not…

  • Challenges, Benefits And Drawbacks Of Mission To Mars



    Challenges, Benefits And Drawbacks Of Mission To Mars There is a proverbial space race going on around us, but instead of a race to the moon or into earth orbit it is a race to Mars, a new world. Unlike the space race of the Cold War with two nations going head to head, we…

  • Should We Continue Exploring Mars?



    Should We Continue Exploring Mars? According to (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2019) Research about mars and its possible life continues as signs of water indicate form of recent lively activity. If earth suddenly becomes uninhabitable mars is the easiest planet to access and live on. (Jones, CJ 2019) appointed that Mars is the fourth planet from the…