Category: Mars

  • Mars Colonization Issues And Solutions



    Mars Colonization Issues And Solutions For centuries Humans have considered colonizingor even terraforming Mars. Today we will look at exactly that but insteaddiscuss the issues and challenges with traveling to Mars and forming a colony there. Well mainly focus on the issues with creatinga colony there as, in my experience, folks tend to usually only…

  • The Ways To Get And Colonize Mars



    The Ways To Get And Colonize Mars Going to mars has for long been science fiction and colonizing it more so. But now it is becoming more of a reality then we could ever imagine. We are getting closer and closer to both getting humans to mars and colonizing and build habitats on our neighbor…

  • The Effects Of Aerogel On Mars’ Lives



    The Effects Of Aerogel On Mars’ Lives Aerogels are a type of porous solids that are mostly known for their extreme low densities. This means that because they are open-porous, they are impermeable to gas. Aerogel was created by Dr. Samuel Stephens who discovered it between 1929 and 1930 (A, 2000). Aerogels are the lowest…

  • Astronomical Research On Mars



    Astronomical Research On Mars Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is an extremely cold desert world. It is covered in rusty red, iron-rich dust which is why its called the Red Planet. Mars travels around the Sun in an oval-shaped orbit which means the planet completes one revolution in 687 Earth days…

  • Why Mars Should Be The Sole Focus Of Astronomical Research For The Next 10 Years



    Why Mars Should Be The Sole Focus Of Astronomical Research For The Next 10 Years Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and is easily visible from Earth. In the evening it can be spotted high in the sky and appears to look reddish in colour due to oxidation of iron in the rocks…

  • The Processes And Technologies Required For Manned Mission To Mars



    The Processes And Technologies Required For Manned Mission To Mars Introduction The concept of Mars as the next most habitable planet has sparked an urge to investigate that has led to the discussion of sending a crew to Mars very shortly. As fantastical as it may seem, the idea has been thoroughly analysed to the…

  • The Advisability In Space Programs Of Living On Mars



    The Advisability In Space Programs Of Living On Mars Buzz Aldrin once said, By refocusing our space program on Mars for Americas future, we can restore the sense of wonder and adventure in space exploration that we knew in the summer of 1969. We won the moon race; now its time for us to live…

  • The Logistics Of Living On Mars



    The Logistics Of Living On Mars Introduction Since I was a child, I was always fascinated by the solar system, space, astronauts and whether or not there is another life that we have not yet encountered. In high school we had a very special guest visit us to tell me and fellow students that anything…

  • Use Of Mapping Mode Data To Map Mars



    Use Of Mapping Mode Data To Map Mars Studying the Martian surface composition is essential to understand its past and current condition and pave the way to unveiling the nature of occurrences of detected minerals – be it weathering, precipitation, or of volcanic origin (Bandfield, Hamilton, & Christensen, 2000). Multiple instruments have been employed to…

  • Evidence For Ancient Martian Hydrological Cycles And The Modern Presence Of Water On Mars



    Evidence For Ancient Martian Hydrological Cycles And The Modern Presence Of Water On Mars The hydrogeology of Mars has continued to be an exciting and ground-breaking area of research since early telescopic observations made by astronomers such as Giovanni Schiaparelli, Christiaan Huygens, and Percival Lowell which propelled the curiosity about water on Mars deeper into…