Category: Marriage

  • Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized?

    Should Same-Sex Marriages be Legalized? Today the issue of same-sex marriages is widely discussed in the legal and social spheres in the USA. Every day the situation becomes more and more controversial because this problem involves the questions of the equality of civil rights for all people in the country and the role of states…

  • Why Same-Sex Marriage Should Be a Norm?

    Why Same-Sex Marriage Should Be a Norm? Table of Contents Why Homosexuality Is Natural Why Gay Couples are not Bad Parents Marriage and Divorce Then and Now Why Religion Should not Dictate Marriage Laws Common Misconceptions about Same-Sex Marriage and Conclusions The topic of the same-sex marriage has always been a controversial one. Furthermore, with…

  • Same-Sex Marriages and Their Moral Basis

    Same-Sex Marriages and Their Moral Basis Table of Contents Introduction The Moral Basis of Same-Sex Marriage Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Statistical findings depict a substantial increase in the number of American adults who support the idea of same-sex marriage. According to Yen and Zampelli, this figure grew from 35% to 55% during the period of…

  • Same-Sex Marriages and Their Benefits for Society

    Same-Sex Marriages and Their Benefits for Society Table of Contents Introduction Statistics Regarding Same-Sex Marriage Conclusion Works Cited Introduction Same-sex marriage refers to the coming together of two people of analogous sexual orientations through a religious or a civil ritual. The need for recognizing same-sex marriages has attracted diverse opinions from a wide variety of…

  • Issues of Interracial Marriages in the United States

    Issues of Interracial Marriages in the United States Table of Contents Statistics and Trends Examples of Conflict Potential Causes Conclusion Works Cited Interracial marriages have existed in the United States for a significant length of time. However, unions between members of different races tend to suffer from judgment-related issues when interacting with other members of…

  • Child Marriage in the Middle East Countries

    Child Marriage in the Middle East Countries Child marriage is a significant concern in some parts of todays world, especially in the Middle East and North Africa. It can be defined as the marriage of a child under the age of eighteen (UNICEF South Asia, n.d.). Although the problem affects both girls and boys, it…

  • Same-Sex Marriage: Marriage Laws Features

    Same-Sex Marriage: Marriage Laws Features In the United States, married couples receive many legal benefits that couples who live together but are unmarried do not. More and more, gay couples are insisting that they receive the same legal rights that traditional, heterosexual married couples receive. However, fierce public and state and U.S. congressional opposition to…

  • An Attempt to Reform the Institution of Marriage in California

    An Attempt to Reform the Institution of Marriage in California On 5th November 2008, Californians cast their votes to mark their stand towards same-sex marriage. This emotional vote was brought about by proposition 8 which called for amendments in the Californian Constitution which recognized same-sex marriages. As it could have been predicted, a majority of…

  • Same-Sex Marriages: a Question of Legality or Morality

    Same-Sex Marriages: a Question of Legality or Morality Table of Contents Historical Context In Defense of Gay Marriages In Opposition of Gay Marriages Possible Resolutions Conclusion References The existence of same-sex relationships and the eventual legalization of such marriages have been controversial in different societies around the world. In the US, before the Supreme Courts…

  • Same-Sex Marriage Movement in the United States

    Same-Sex Marriage Movement in the United States The American dream assures freedom and parity and is cherished by all the residents of the US. With the dream in mind, most people will be inclined towards the support of equal rights for all, encompassing members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) groups. Asking…