Category: Macroeconomics

  • Current Macroeconomic Situation in the US

    Current Macroeconomic Situation in the US The US has the largest economy across the globe. However, it has been experiencing challenges that are associated with recession following the 2008 economic crisis. Unemployment constitutes one of the biggest problems in the US. As Rothstein and Valletta (2014) confirm, after the recession, unemployment has been one of…

  • The United States Economy in Recent History: An Analysis of Macroeconomic Indicators

    The United States Economy in Recent History: An Analysis of Macroeconomic Indicators Table of Contents Introduction United States Economy Effects of 2008-2009 Global Financial Crises on the US Economy The Role of Policy Makers in the US Conclusion References Introduction The United States of America has instituted various fiscal and monetary policies to ensure that…

  • The Current Macroeconomic Situation in the United States

    The Current Macroeconomic Situation in the United States Table of Contents Introduction Discussion Conclusion References Introduction Since the Second World War, the United States has been working hard to overcome the deepest as well as the longest recession it has ever faced (UN, 2011). However, on its way to recovery, the country has experienced a…

  • Macroeconomic Situation in the US

    Macroeconomic Situation in the US What is the current macroeconomic situation in the U.S? The macroeconomic situation in the US is currently faced with high inflation rates, which paint a gloomy picture to many US citizens (Baumol & Blinder, 2011). In the recent past, the US has come out of a recession that affected the…

  • Germanys Macroeconomic Performance in 2015

    Germanys Macroeconomic Performance in 2015 It is imperative to note that macroeconomic performance is a fascinating topic that is actively discussed by many scholars. The situation in Germany is especially interesting, and it is influenced by numerous internal and external factors. For instance, an increase in spending on refugees has helped to boost the economy…

  • Macroeconomics: Monetary and Fiscal Policies

    Macroeconomics: Monetary and Fiscal Policies Explain the concept of the Balance of Payments (BoP), and how it relates to the foreign exchange (forex) market under a floating rate and a so-called fixed exchange rate. How does the latter regime cause problems for the Chinese economy? The balance of payment indicates all the transactions of a…

  • Real Estate Market Role in Macroeconomics

    Real Estate Market Role in Macroeconomics Brief summary of article Global downturn aftershocks are to blame for the economic situation in the USA as far as economic growth and employment is concerned. The shocks have culminated into higher unemployment rates for a long period. The government is proposing the use of fiscal policies to create…

  • The United States Macroeconomics

    The United States Macroeconomics What, if anything, does the Employment/Population (E/P) profile for the United States from 2007 to 2012 tell you about short-run economic growth over that period? The rise in the unemployment rate in the United States after the economic recession of 2007-2009 was severe and unprecedented. During this period, the unemployment rate…

  • Macroeconomics Study Basic Analysis

    Macroeconomics Study Basic Analysis Explain how a basic analysis of the money market underpins the derivation of the LM curve The LM curve is derived from the money market equilibrium. It shows the range of values of interest rates, I, which when combined with the outputs, Y, give an equilibrium money market. The interest rate,…

  • War and Oil Prices in World Macroeconomics

    War and Oil Prices in World Macroeconomics Lately the crude oil prices have been volatile, reaching an all time high at over 96 dollars a barrel in November 2007. This can be perceived to be brought about by the war on terror. Due to this high prices and pressures from other factors such as environmental…