Category: Loyalty

  • Millennial Loyalty in Todays Workplace

    Millennial Loyalty in Todays Workplace In his article, Peart (2019) explores the complex concept of workplace loyalty by comparing the Millennial generation to the generations that came before it. The author points out that contrary to popular belief, Millennials are not more prone to the so-called job-hopping, or the tendency to frequently change workplaces. The…

  • Service Quality and Customer Loyalty in the UK

    Service Quality and Customer Loyalty in the UK Table of Contents Justification for Topic choice Research Questions to be answered Literature Resources Data Collection Methodology Reference List Justification for Topic choice Customer service is an area that has been of concern to researchers and other practitioners since it plays an important role in improving the…

  • Millennial Loyalty in Todays Workplace

    Millennial Loyalty in Todays Workplace In his article, Peart (2019) explores the complex concept of workplace loyalty by comparing the Millennial generation to the generations that came before it. The author points out that contrary to popular belief, Millennials are not more prone to the so-called job-hopping, or the tendency to frequently change workplaces. The…

  • Observation Of Medical Equipment Inventory Importance

    Observation Of Medical Equipment Inventory Importance EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A vital part of the health-care technology management system is equipment inventory which needs to be frequently updated to provide an accurate look at the status of durable medical equipment in the hospital or clinic. The topics of importance should include original data collection, updated information on…

  • Loyalty And Society

    Loyalty And Society Loyalty is an aspect of society that is interwoven in ways we never think about. From small ways to major ways, it is all around us. Loyalty is the act of being loyal; showing constant support or allegiance to a person or an institution. This word was derived in the mid-13th century…

  • ASOS Online Retail Companys Customer Loyalty

    ASOS Online Retail Companys Customer Loyalty Introduction Customer loyalty, as a rule, actually highlights the extent to which a consumer can devote himself or herself towards the company products and services just because of the high level of satisfaction. This refers to the consumers tendency to like and choose any one particular brand over the…

  • Loyalty Programs by Mimouni-Chaaban and Volle

    Loyalty Programs by Mimouni-Chaaban and Volle Perceived Benefits of loyalty programs: Scale development and implications for relational strategies, by Aîda Mimouni-Chaaban and Pierre Volle is an informative article which provides information concerning the perceived benefits regarding loyalty programs. The article offers discussions regarding managerial and theoretical implications of the perceived benefits in relation to marketing…

  • Essay on Organizational Loyalty

    Essay on Organizational Loyalty To investigate the reason behind the impact of internal branding on customer-based brand equity. Moreover, organizational loyalty mediates the relationship between internal branding and customer-based brand equity. Furthermore, relationships also have a mediating impact on organizational loyalty. Researchers suggested the use of entirely different theories like the balance theory (Heifer, 2013).…