Category: Liberalism

  • Edmund Burke: The Conservative Liberal

    Edmund Burke: The Conservative Liberal The Role of Family Social institutions such as family, religious communities, villages, or cities are the primary source of public understanding and the school of life where a person can develop the feeling of love for the country, fellow citizens, and all of humanity. Traditionally, the family is used to…

  • Dependency and Structuralism vs Liberal and Neoliberal

    Dependency and Structuralism vs Liberal and Neoliberal Table of Contents Introduction Dependency Theory Dependency v Liberalism References Introduction The dependency theory belongs to radical school of thoughts in international relations meaning departing from conventional acceptable approaches. It is referred to as structural because it analyzes the structure of society, economic structure. The theory assumes that…

  • Liberal View on Sexual Behavior

    Liberal View on Sexual Behavior The liberal view on sexual behavior comes closest to my own perspective. I consider myself a liberal, hence the belief that all people should be treated with respect, with equality being the guiding principle. Different arguments support my view of this issue. First, I opine that people have the freedom…

  • Liberal and Marxist Traditions of Schooling and Education

    Liberal and Marxist Traditions of Schooling and Education The idea of liberalism appeared in 17th century, it was the western philosophy based on political sight of enlightenment and got prominent in the era of enlightenment only. The liberal education stemmed from the idea of liberalism which perpetuated beliefs of having equal rights, freedom, liberty and…

  • Brexit: Liberalism and Dependency Theory

    Brexit: Liberalism and Dependency Theory Introduction: The Issue Divorcing a strong and powerful economic community is a rather controversial decision that will inadvertently cause significant internal and external conflicts for any state. The case of Brexit proves that the refusal to be a part of the European Union (EU) is fraught with serious consequences that…

  • Rousseau on Liberalism

    Rousseau on Liberalism In a beer hall in Munich, a mesmerizing public speaker addressed the issues troubling the German people with a furious passion, calling for a new order to replace what he saw as an incompetent and inefficient liberal democratic regime run by an economic elite that was not translating the will of the…

  • The Impact of Financial Liberalisation on the Economy

    The Impact of Financial Liberalisation on the Economy Table of Contents Introduction From financial repression to financial liberalisation Financial liberalisation and macro-economic performance Views supporting financial liberation to stimulate growth Views against financial liberation References Introduction A stable, effective and efficient financial system is very crucial and plays a great role on a countrys economic…

  • Perspectives on the Relationship between the Individual and Society

    Perspectives on the Relationship between the Individual and Society Liberal, Marxist, and nationalist perspectives are often described as contrary to one another in their beliefs of the relationship between the individual and society. In this essay, I will show that through these differences, though with slight underlying agreements, liberalism has been the most successful in…

  • Brexit: Liberalism and Dependency Theory

    Brexit: Liberalism and Dependency Theory Introduction: The Issue Divorcing a strong and powerful economic community is a rather controversial decision that will inadvertently cause significant internal and external conflicts for any state. The case of Brexit proves that the refusal to be a part of the European Union (EU) is fraught with serious consequences that…

  • The Impact of Financial Liberalisation on the Economy

    The Impact of Financial Liberalisation on the Economy Table of Contents Introduction From financial repression to financial liberalisation Financial liberalisation and macro-economic performance Views supporting financial liberation to stimulate growth Views against financial liberation References Introduction A stable, effective and efficient financial system is very crucial and plays a great role on a countrys economic…