Category: Just Society

  • Social Worker’s Responsibility for Contributing to a Just Society: Opinion Essay

    Social Worker’s Responsibility for Contributing to a Just Society: Opinion Essay For my senior capstone paper, I will be discussing several key items. First I will be discussing my vision; my view on a social worker’s responsibility to contribute to a just society, my strengths related to those views, any knowledge or skills I need…

  • Trudeaus Vision of a Just Society

    Trudeaus Vision of a Just Society Pierre Trudeau once said, The past is to be respected and acknowledged, but not to be worshipped. It is our future in which we will find our greatness. As one of Canadas greatest politicians Pierre Elliott Trudeau was the 15th Prime Minister of Canada, serving from 1968-1979 and 1980-1984.…

  • The Pillars of a Just Society

    The Pillars of a Just Society What makes a just society? This question has been subject to scholarly and political debate for millennia and, in many regards, still is. However, in a contemporary and liberal context, the concept of justice includes  relatively uncontroversial  at least a foundation of representative democracy, the rule of…

  • Building a Just Society Through Gods Love

    Building a Just Society Through Gods Love Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was 35 years old when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. He was the youngest person to have received it at that time. This grand achievement was in recognition of his efforts to end racial segregation and discrimination in…

  • Ideas of Pierre Trudeau on Just Society: Analytical Essay

    Ideas of Pierre Trudeau on Just Society: Analytical Essay Canada racial discrimination In the whole historical process of British North America and Canada, the policy towards indigenous peoples has always been promoted in two contradictory goals – ‘protection’ and ‘assimilation’, correspondingly, there have always been two kinds of policies. On the one hand, the government…

  • The Merici Mentoring Program in Creation of Just Society: Analytical Essay

    The Merici Mentoring Program in Creation of Just Society: Analytical Essay The Merici Mentoring Program is a volunteering program that runs for over 2 years and goes through years 9 and 10. It is a partnership between Merici College and Black Mountain School that has been running for around 10 years. In year 9, the…

  • Social Worker’s Responsibility for Contributing to a Just Society: Opinion Essay

    Social Worker’s Responsibility for Contributing to a Just Society: Opinion Essay For my senior capstone paper, I will be discussing several key items. First I will be discussing my vision; my view on a social worker’s responsibility to contribute to a just society, my strengths related to those views, any knowledge or skills I need…