Category: Journalism

  • Newspaper Journalists’ Motivation

    Newspaper Journalists’ Motivation National Careers Service website describe newspaper journalists as those who investigate and write on broad range of subjects, from reporting on international and local news to politics, business, science, sports, arts and culture. Low motivation negatively impact work performance, which threatens an organisations ability to remain competitive in the market (Küng, 2008).…

  • The Adaption of Newspaper in the Development of Digital Journalism

    The Adaption of Newspaper in the Development of Digital Journalism With the increased development in digital age such as the widely use of mobile phones, the phenomena of news publication also changed, basically from print-only to either online-only or both. In the following four journal studies, it will demonstrate the adaption of news work through…

  • Black Press Celebrates Freedom-Fighting Journalism: Analytical Essay on Newspapers

    Black Press Celebrates Freedom-Fighting Journalism: Analytical Essay on Newspapers Newspapers owned by African Americans caused conversations for the truth and equal opportunity. On Monday, March 16, 2020 the one hundred ninety-third anniversary of the Black Press of America was commemorated and still continues to be irrefutable worldwide. This was generated by The Freedoms Journal, the…