Category: Internet

  • The Rapid Growth of the Internet

    The Rapid Growth of the Internet Abstract Human memory and Internet search engines face a shared computational problem, needing to retrieve stored pieces of information in response to a query. We explored whether they employ similar solutions, testing whether we could predict human performance on a fluency task using Page Rank, a component of the…

  • The Internet Eras Impact on Reading

    The Internet Eras Impact on Reading Table of Contents Introduction Conflicts Positive Aspects Recommendations Conclusion References Introduction With the invention of the Internet, the traditional way of reading books has changed, and many additional advantages and disadvantages appeared. With the increase in the number of new forms of entertainment, the percentage of purchased physical books…

  • The Internet, Its Role and Development

    The Internet, Its Role and Development Introduction At first glance, the Internet is a collection of websites and social media platforms that allow people to communicate, store information, and facilitate activities such as shopping or watching a movie. However, this is only the surface of the technology that is behind the Internet, which is the…

  • The Internet Growth and Problems That It Faced

    The Internet Growth and Problems That It Faced Table of Contents Introduction Main body Conclusion Reference Introduction The internet is an interconnection of millions of computer and other devices through wired networks and wireless networks. Several decades ago, the network had only a few number of computers connected. Today the internet is one of the…

  • The Various Aspects of Internet Pornography

    The Various Aspects of Internet Pornography Introduction Before we understand what internet pornography means, it is necessary to have a look at what pornography means. The word Pornography has originated from the Greeks who described the term as writing about prostitutes. Pornography can be defined as: Sexually overt depiction of people through different means such…

  • Research of Dark Side of the Internet

    Research of Dark Side of the Internet The development of information technologies is generally associated with infinite opportunities for a user. Just by downloading the necessary webpage, a user accesses an enormous amount of information from different parts of the world. The Internet allowed people to stay in touch with family, friends, and colleagues, do…

  • The Internet Impact on the Buying Process

    The Internet Impact on the Buying Process Table of Contents Introduction Consumer Behavior Concepts Models of Internet-based Consumer Behavior Impact of Internet Transactions on Product Value Chains Stages in the Buying process Impact of the Internet on the Buying Stages Benefits of Internet-based Sales services Limitations of the Internet sales process Conclusion Reference List Introduction…

  • My Digital Footprint on the Internet

    My Digital Footprint on the Internet Digital footprint includes all the content that I leave on the internet as I use it. For example, there may be my comments on social media, email records, the information I use on the apps installed on my computer or phone, and skype calls (Four Reasons). Other people have…

  • The Internet and the World Wide Web Concepts

    The Internet and the World Wide Web Concepts Abstract The Internet and the World Wide Web play an important role in everyday life. Nonetheless, the Internet contributes to the connection between the computer and the storage of the files. In turn, the World Wide Web enables the access with the assistance of the hypertexts. In…

  • The Internet Importance for the Modern World

    The Internet Importance for the Modern World Table of Contents Introduction Literary Search Theory Conclusion References Introduction One of the main consequences of the intensification of the worlds globalization processes has been the emergence of the Internet as a powerful tool for connecting communities in different parts of the planet. Although the initial goal of…