Category: Indian Culture

  • Essay on Sexism in India

    Essay on Sexism in India Social constructivism is defined as a social group constructing things for one another, collaboratively creating a small culture of shared artifacts with shared meanings (Moodle, 2015). The theoretical base we use to understand knowledge is called social constructivism, or the sociology of knowledge. It characterizes knowledge as the sets of…

  • The Condition And Life Of Indian Woman

    The Condition And Life Of Indian Woman Indian women writers in recent decades have produced abundant literary output. These writers probe into human relationship since it is closely connected with the mind and heart. In order to make the process of change smooth and really meaningful, women writers have taken upon them-selves this great task…

  • Sherman Alexie: Cultural Survival Strategies Of American Indians

    Sherman Alexie: Cultural Survival Strategies Of American Indians By way of analyzing the significance of mental acts such as dreaming, daydreaming and imagining in American Indian worldview, and exploring the importance of humor as a notable characteristic of American Indian cultural identity, I have tried to demonstrate how these culturally important acts and characteristics are…

  • Culture And Tradition: Rudiments Of Chitra Banerjee Divakarunis Novels

    Culture And Tradition: Rudiments Of Chitra Banerjee Divakarunis Novels One of the major and dominant trends obvious in post-independence Indian English fiction is the portrayal of the vast and enduring culture of India. Culture is best expressed through the arts and writings of a country. The pluralistic heritage of Indian culture helped the Indian society…

  • Essay on Sexism in India

    Essay on Sexism in India Social constructivism is defined as a social group constructing things for one another, collaboratively creating a small culture of shared artifacts with shared meanings (Moodle, 2015). The theoretical base we use to understand knowledge is called social constructivism, or the sociology of knowledge. It characterizes knowledge as the sets of…